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Ärzte fordern Abbau von Kernwaffen

IPPNW-Weltkongress warnt vor atomarer Gefährdung und neuen Risiken durch gobale Krise

Von Harald Neuber, Basel *

Mit der nachdrücklichen Forderung nach Abschaffung aller Atomwaffen ist im schweizerischen Basel am Sonntag die 19. Weltkonferenz der Ärzte- und Friedensorganisation IPPNW zu Ende gegangen.

65 Jahre nach dem ersten und bislang einzigen Einsatz dieser Masselvernichtungswaffen durch die USA in den japanischen Städten Hiroshima und Nagasaki warnten die Teilnehmer des IPPNW-Kongresses vor einer neuen atomaren Gefahr. »Würde es sich bei Nuklearwaffen um einen tödlichen Virus handeln, so würden die Nationen weltweit weder Kosten noch Mühen scheuen, es aufzuhalten und auszurotten«, heißt es in einer Erklärung zum Abschluss des weltweiten Treffens der »Internationalen Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges/Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung«. Fünf Tage lang hatten über 800 Mitglieder die Koordinierung des Kampfes gegen die atomare Bedrohung beraten – ohne Fatalismus: »Noch nie wurde so viel über die Abschaffung von Nuklearwaffen diskutiert wie zurzeit«, betonte etwa Steves Staples vom Rideau-Institut gegenüber ND. USA-Präsident Barack Obama habe das Thema bei seiner Prag-Rede im Vorjahr angesprochen, auch in Sachen Atomwaffensperrvertrag habe es gewisse Fortschritte gegeben.

Während der kanadische Wissenschaftler und Buchautor in der aktuellen Weltwirtschaftskrise Chancen für eine fortschreitende Abrüstung sieht, weil der Unterhalt der Atomwaffen enorme Summen verschlingt, wiesen andere auf deren Gefahren hin. »Der Neoliberalismus hat die globale Krise zwar verursacht«, sagte der indische Politikwissenschaftler Achin Vanaik von der Dehli-Universität, den Kapitalismus bedrohe er aber nicht. Vanaik verwies auf derzeit 50 000 US-Militärbasen weltweit. Der IPPNW riet er, den Kampf gegen Atomwaffen und Militarisierung mit dem Einsatz für Gerechtigkeit zu verbinden. Das Weltsozialforum sei dabei ein Bündnispartner.

Die Debatte um die Auswirkung der globalen Krise für Krieg und Frieden beschäftigte den Kongress bis zum Schlusstag. Bei kleineren Länderdelegationen gab es Bedenken, während etwa die personell gut aufgestellte deutsche IPPNW-Sektion für eine solche Erweiterung von Programm und Arbeit eintrat.

In Basel traten vor allem Vertreter südlicher Staaten für eine politische Analyse der Militarisierung und eine Erweiterung der Themenpalette ein, mit denen sich die Organisation befasst. Es gebe verschiedene Konfliktherde und Erscheinungsformen der globalen Krise, sagte der IPPNW-Vertreter und ehemalige Botschafter Nicaraguas in Washington, Antonio Jarquín, gegenüber ND. Das mache die aktuelle Problemlage noch sehr viel gefährlicher als die Weltwirtschaftskrise der 1930er Jahre. Gerade Lateinamerika erlebe derzeit eine massive Militarisierung durch die USA, auch Europa sei vor dieser Entwicklung nicht gefeit. »Ich gehe davon aus, dass die kommenden Konflikte in Asien rasch auf Europa übergreifen können.« Der Kampf gegen die Krise sei »untrennbar vom Kampf gegen die Militarisierung und die Atomwaffen als deren perverseste Form«.

* Aus: Neues Deutschland, 30. August 2010

Richtiges Rezept

Von Olaf Standke **

Little Boy, kleiner Junge, so hieß der Codename der US-Atombombe, die so großes Leid über Hiroshima brachte. Auch 65 Jahre danach werden Tausende von den medizinischen Spätfolgen der Verstrahlung gequält. Gerade hat eine IPPNW-Studie nachgewiesen, dass die Risiken durch die Radioaktivität bisher viel zu gering bewertet wurden. Die Ärztevereinigung weiß also, wovon sie spricht, wenn auf ihrem Weltkongress die Prävention eines Atomkrieges zur vordringlichsten Aufgabe erklärt wird. Laut ihrer Diagnose geht neben der Klimaveränderung von den Kernwaffen die drängendste Gefahr für Gesundheit und Sicherheit der Menschheit aus.

Und die Therapie? Der neue START-Vertrag zwischen den USA und Russland ist ein Anfang, aber nicht mehr. Überfällig sind etwa das Inkrafttreten eines umfassenden Teststoppvertrags und die Rücknahme der Atomwaffen aus höchster Alarmbereitschaft, ein Stopp ihrer Modernisierung wie der Produktion von spaltbarem Material oder die Einrichtung von atomwaffenfreien Zonen in Nahost und Europa. Gerade auch die Bundesregierung steht in der Pflicht, damit endlich die letzten taktischen US-Kernwaffen aus Deutschland verschwinden. Das Rezept gegen die nukleare Seuche liegt dabei vor, IPPNW und andere Friedensorganisationen haben den Entwurf einer praktikablen Atomwaffenkonvention für die Abrüstung aller Arsenale erarbeitet. Was fehlt, ist der politische Wille zur Umsetzung.

** Aus: Neues Deutschland, 30. August 2010 (Kommentar)

IPPNW Convenes in Basel To Pursue Nuclear Abolition for a Future

Sixty-five years ago this month, the United States exploded the first atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the world entered an age of unthinkable peril from which we have yet to free ourselves. A single nuclear weapon can destroy a city; 100 Hiroshima-sized warheads can kill tens of millions of people outright and disrupt the global climate so severely that a billion lives could be lost to famine and epidemic disease; an exchange of the thousands of nuclear weapons still deployed by the US and Russia would make the Earth itself an uninhabitable wasteland.

If nuclear weapons were a deadly virus with the potential to sicken and kill hundreds of millions of people in a global epidemic, the nations of the world would spare no expense to contain and eradicate it. We have done this with smallpox, tuberculosis, and polio, and we are marshalling our resources today against HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other emerging health threats. Unlike contagious diseases, however, we have brought this nuclear danger upon ourselves. Nuclear weapons are manmade products. They are more horrifying in their effects than any virus, but eradicating them is actually a simpler task, requiring little more than a firm decision to disarm and the resolve to see that decision through to a conclusion.

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War believes that universal nuclear disarmament is the most urgent health and security priority of our time, matched only by the need to prevent catastrophic damage to the Earth’s climate. Medical organizations around the world, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Health Organization, the World Medical Association, and many national medical associations have echoed our conviction that eliminating nuclear weapons is the only sure way to prevent their use.

A Nuclear Weapons Convention, requiring all nuclear-armed nations to eliminate their arsenals and prohibiting all nations from acquiring nuclear weapons in the future, is the most effective and practical way to guard against a humanitarian catastrophe of our own making. Such conventions already exist to prohibit chemical and biological weapons, antipersonnel landmines and cluster bombs. It is long past time that nuclear weapons are renounced and their threat removed in the same way. Nuclear weapons cannot be uninvented; dismantling them and ensuring that they are never used again is within our power.

We welcomed President Obama’s declaration in Prague that he wants to work for “the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” Since then, we have heard opponents of nuclear disarmament claim that reaching this goal will take decades. They say abolition must be postponed until we have more peace and more security in the world. Some even argue that the goal of zero is wrong and that nuclear weapons—in some hands but not others—actually enhance stability and security. They try to reassure the public that deterrence works. The nuclear-weapon states—despite their new positive rhetoric about nuclear disarmament—plan to maintain hundreds and thousands of nuclear weapons in their arsenals for decades, claiming national security as their justification. None of these arguments stand up to scrutiny.

Nuclear abolition is an essential step toward more peace and security in the world. “Nuclear weapons for some but not for all” is a formula for proliferation and instability, as is evident in North Asia and the Middle East. The expectation that deterrence—which is a euphemism for threatening to incinerate entire populations—will never fail is a delusion.

Abolition is indisputably the right goal; a fast and determined pace is essential; and the only thing standing in the way of a nuclear-weapons-free world is political intransigence. Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba and mayors in more than 4,000 cities have called for a nuclear-weapons-free world by 2020. Ten years is more than enough time to complete this task, and IPPNW stands with Mayors for Peace in making this demand.

The global expansion of nuclear energy, which is being aggressively promoted by the industry and by governments with a vested economic interest in nuclear fuel production, is a serious impediment to nuclear disarmament. Nuclear energy is not a viable solution to the problem of climate change and endangers health and the environment in every aspect of its operations. In addition to the proliferation risks inherent in nuclear power plants, the reactors themselves are targets. We should be reducing, not increasing, the numbers of those targets. Moreover, nuclear energy is a prohibitively expensive means of meeting the world’s energy needs. IPPNW supports the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), whose mandate is to promote renewable energy sources worldwide, to increase energy security, and to enable economic and social development without reliance on fossil fuels or nuclear energy.

We recognize that there are steps to any journey, and we support the New START between the US and Russia as a modest step in the right direction. Entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which should have happened years ago, is another such step that should be accomplished immediately. Other constructive steps would include no-first-use declarations by all the nuclear-weapon states, removal of US tactical nuclear weapons from Europe, a ban on the production of fissile materials, removing nuclear delivery systems from high alert, and halting modernization programs for new weapons and for the infrastructure to produce and test them. The health professions themselves have a responsibility to end medically related commerce in weapons-grade, highly enriched uranium (HEU) by converting all reactors used to produce radiopharmaceuticals to low enriched uranium (LEU). All of these steps can and should be taken immediately.

None of these steps, however, is a substitute for—or a prerequisite for—negotiations on a comprehensive nuclear disarmament agreement. Delays implementing particular arms control measures must not impede the overarching goal of getting to zero promptly. This is why IPPNW launched the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons—ICAN—in 2007, to build public and governmental support for a Nuclear Weapons Convention that will rid the world of these instruments of mass extermination.

Nuclear war is the most extreme form of armed violence ever devised, but it is not the only one. Since the end of the Cold War, wars and other military interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkan states, former Soviet republics, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and Latin America have claimed millions of lives, mostly among non-combatants. Small arms are involved in wars and crimes, suicides and accidents that result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries each year. Moreover, the use of small arms and other conventional weapons can all too easily escalate to the use of nuclear weapons, especially in the most volatile regions of the world. The WHO has identified violence, including armed violence, as an important and preventable health problem, requiring public health approaches to better understand the root causes and to mount effective interventions. This is the goal of IPPNW’s Aiming For Prevention program, which is now in its 10th year.

Peace, security, and freedom are the rights of all people, and the most effective pathway to achieving these rights globally is the Millennium Development Goals. Armed violence of all kinds is a threat to human security and to development. The public health dimensions of this global problem, however, are poorly understood. In order to reduce the high rates of injury and death from intentional violence, we need action-oriented research, education, and advocacy in support of prevention policies at all levels of society. Recognizing that health and development are intricately linked, IPPNW came out as an early supporter of the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, which calls for a measurable reduction in the global burden of armed violence and tangible improvements in human security by 2015.

As we gather in Basel at our 19th World Congress to mark IPPNW’s 30th anniversary and our 25th anniversary as a Nobel Peace Laureate, IPPNW recommits itself to ridding the world of nuclear weapons—our first and highest priority—and to preventing war as an obsolete and ineffective means of providing for our collective security—a means that is unworthy of humanity.

Source: IPPNW, Congress news, August 26, 2010; http://ippnwbasel.wordpress.com/2010/08/26/statement/

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