Cindy Sheehan will wissen, weshalb ihr Sohn im Irak sterben musste / Cindy Sheehan wants to know, for what "noble cause" did her son die overseas
Die Regierung Bush hat Ärger im Irak, in Washingtron und nun in Crawford / The Bush administration is in trouble in Iraq, in Washington, and in Crawford
Der Fall der amerikanischen Soldatenmutter Cindy Sheehan, die ihrem Präsidenten seit Wochen mutig die Stirn bietet, erregt weltweit Aufsehen. Wir dokumentieren im Folgenden einen deutschen Artikel über die Aktion der Frau unweit der Ranch von George W. Bush sowie zwei weitere Beiträge in englischer Sprache, die sich ebenfalls mit dem Fall befassen.
Ärger vor der Ranch
Von Max Böhnel, New York*
Die simple Frage der 48-jährigen Cindy Sheehan schlägt seit zwei Wochen bis in die abgelegensten Ortschaften der USA hinein hohe Wellen: «Warum musste mein Sohn im Irak sterben?» Cindy Sheehan will US-Präsident George Bush diese Frage direkt stellen. Zu diesem Zweck hat sie mit ein paar dutzend FriedensaktivistInnen Zelte im Staub der texanischen Prärie aufgeschlagen, unweit der Ranch in Crawford, auf der Präsident George Bush seine Sommerferien verbringt. Die ungewöhnlichen Bilder, die zurzeit über die US-amerikanischen Bildschirme flimmern, zeigen eine Kalifornierin mit zerbrechlicher Stimme, die innerhalb weniger Tage zur Galionsfigur der US-Friedensbewegung geworden ist. Sie hat gelobt, erst dann wieder wegzugehen, wenn Bush ihr Rede und Antwort steht. Sheehans 24-jähriger Sohn Casey, ein Fahrzeugmechaniker, war am 4. April 2004 bei den Kämpfen um den Bagdader Stadtteil Sadr City getötet worden. Ihm zum Gedenken heisst die kleine Zeltstadt an der einzigen Zufahrtsstrasse zur Bush-Ranch denn auch Camp Casey.
Friedensbewegung im Aufwind
Die öffentlich vorgetragene Trauer der Soldatenmutter wäre dem Weissen Haus nicht der Rede wert, wären da nicht die unterbeschäftigten Presseleute. Diese müssen fünf Wochen in Crawford ausharren, weil George Bush dort seinen unerhört langen Urlaub verbringt. Bush beim Holzfällen und Mountainbikefahren zu zeigen - das liefert keinen Stoff mehr. Aber eine uramerikanische «Mom», die mit ihrem Ansinnen «I want to speak to Mister President» seit Tagen die Strapazen von Sonnenbrand und Durst auf sich nimmt und noch dazu wegen des Todes ihres Sohnes die «human story» schlechthin verkörpert, kommt den Medien wie gerufen. Die Öffentlichkeit, zunehmend beunruhigt über die täglich eintreffenden Todeszahlen aus dem Irak, konzentriert sich momentan auf die Mutter und ihren toten Sohn.
Für die seit der Wiederwahl Bushs im vergangenen Spätherbst paralysierte Antikriegsbewegung bringt das Phänomen Cindy Sheehan dagegen einen unerwarteten neuen Schub. Sheehan lässt die Verratsvorwürfe der rechten KommentatorInnen in Talkradios, auf Fernsehsendern und in Internet-Blogs bislang erfolgreich an ihrer stoischen Haltung abprallen. Diese Woche bildeten sich im ganzen Land fast tausend Solidaritätsmahnwachen für die AntikriegscamperInnen in Texas.
Halten Cindy Sheehan und ihre UnterstützerInnen in Crawford wenige Wochen durch, so wird die neu konstituierte Bewegung noch mehr Auftrieb erhalten. Denn bis zur traurig-magischen Zahl von 2000 getöteten GIs ist es nicht mehr weit, und Anfang September, nach Abschluss der Schulsommerferien, werden verängstigte und verärgerte Eltern ihren Unmut über die Militärrekrutierer an Colleges und High Schools ausdrücken. Beides sind Momente, die die Massenmedien in Ton und Bild nicht übergehen werden. Sheehan und die organisierte Friedensbewegung wissen, wie die US-amerikanische Kulturindustrie funktioniert. Die naiv wirkende Soldatenmutter lässt sich seit einigen Tagen von der millionenschweren PR-Firma Fenton Communications beraten.
Bush will nicht reden
Dem Weissen Haus, dem mit Abstand grössten Public-Relations-Unternehmen im Land, ist die Sprengkraft des möglichen Zusammentreffens «A mother and the president» (so der Titel eines ausführlichen Berichts des Fernsehsenders CNN) bewusst. Bush äusserte kurz nach Eröffnung von Camp Casey seine «Sympathie» für die um ihre Söhne trauernden Mütter. Grund für seine Entscheidung, Sheehan nicht zu treffen, sei aber sein Wunsch, «mein Leben weiterzuleben, ein ausgeglichenes Leben zu führen», sagte er im typischen verqueren Bush-Speak. Dass der Präsident Sheehans Einladung nachkommen wird, einer sonntäglichen Gebetsandacht in Crawford zu Ehren der gefallenen Soldaten beizuwohnen, gilt jedenfalls als ausgeschlossen. Diese Art von präsidialer Coolness, mit der Bushs Vorgänger Bill Clinton Protest und Widerspruch gekontert und mit einer schlichten Geste eingemeindet hätte, fehlt den amerikanischen Rechten. Diese Unfähigkeit ist auch der Gradmesser für das von anderen Konservativen bereits jetzt vorhergesehene Scheitern im Irak.
* Aus: Wochenzeitung WOZ (Schweiz), 18. August 2005
President Bush Ditches Mother Of Slain Soldier
By Nathan Diebenow, Associate Editor, The Lone Star Iconoclast
CRAWFORD - The mother of a U.S. soldier slain in Iraq
was denied a face-to-face meeting with President Bush
here Saturday after she walked through a ditch-like path
in the August heat to the President's Prairie Chapel
"I didn't come all this way from California to stand
here in a ditch," said Cindy Sheehan, 48, co-founder of
Gold Star Families for Peace, attempting to continue her
trek to the ranch.
Even though two of the President's aides later agreed to
deliver her message to him, Sheehan said that she would
remain in Crawford for the whole month, if need be,
until she is granted a private audience with the
commander-in-chief to ask him for what "noble cause" did
her son die overseas.
"If he doesn't come out to talk to me in Crawford, I'll
follow him to D.C., and I'll camp out on his lawn," she
said, to a round of applause from her supporters. "I'll
go to prison. I don't want to live in a country where
people are treated this way."
Sheehan's actions, she said, were sparked by President
Bush's comments like those made last Wednesday in
Grapevine to about 1,800 members of the American
Legislative Exchange Council: "Our men and women who've
lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan and in this war
on terror have died in a noble cause and a selfless
"We all know by now that that's not true, and I want to
ask George Bush, ‘Why did my son die? What was the noble
cause that he died for?'" said Sheehan. "I don't want
[President Bush] to use my son's name or my family name
to justify any more killing or to exploit my son's name,
my son's sacrifice, or my son's honor to justify more
killing. As a mother, why would I want one more mother
to go through what I'm going through, Iraqi or American?
"And I want to tell him that the only way to honor my
son's sacrifice is to bring the troops home now."
Her son, Casey Sheehan, 24, of Vacaville, Calif., died
in Baghdad, Iraq, on April 4, 2004, when his unit was
attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms
fire. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 82nd Field
Artillery Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood,
Bush's comments Wednesday coincided with the deaths of
12 Marine reservists from Ohio who were killed in
perhaps the deadliest roadside bombing of U.S. troops in
Iraq. So far, the lives of about 1,821 Americans in
uniform have been taken since the 2003 invasion.
Pollsters indicate that Bush's approval ratings are
declining in relation to the rise in U.S. casualties in
Sheehan, joining anti-war activists at the Crawford
Peace House, arrived with a busload of veterans from the
Veterans for Peace convention which was held in Irving,
near Dallas, since Thursday. The total group of
activists there numbered over 50 and included members of
Veteran's for Peace (VFP), Military Families Speak Out
(MFSO), Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), CodePink,
and the Crawford Peace House.
Vietnam veteran Jim Waters, not affiliated with any
activist group, said that he drove overnight from
Lubbock alone in support of Sheehan and the Gold Star
Families for Peace because he is "very concerned" about
the war in Iraq and wants to ask President Bush, "Why
aren't his daughters there?"
"One of the principles of leadership is you don't ask
people to do what you yourself don't have the courage to
do, and [President Bush] is asking people to fight to
their deaths when he himself and most of the architects
of this war never served," said Waters, a retired Navy
commander and former hospital administrator. "[President
Bush] served, but he jumped over 10,000 people to get
into the National Guard Champagne Unit, so he could
avoid duty in Vietnam. I had to go to Vietnam, and now
he's sending them to their deaths - over 1,800 so far.
"I'm sick and tired of what's happening to our country,"
he continued. "To me it's almost like the White House
operation is a mob operation. These guys are scary, and
they're dangerous, in my opinion."
The demonstrators gathered around one side of Sheehan as
she spoke with the news media. A World War II veteran,
Archie Goodwin from Naples, Fla., carrying a sign,
stated away from the group that he is for peace, but
"Bush isn't." His sign read, "Somebody lied."
Sheehan was accompanied on Saturday by her sister, Dede
Miller, and Amy Ranham, another mother of a slain U.S.
soldier. Among her fellow supporters present were Ann
Wright, a former U.S. diplomat who resigned her post in
March 2003 in protest of the invasion of Iraq; Camilo
Mejia, a reservist in the Florida National Guard who
became a consciousness objector upon returning from
service in Iraq; and Persian Gulf War Veteran Dennis
Kyne, a former battlefield medic who is outspoken on the
effects of depleted uranium weapons.
Captain Kenneth Vanek of the McLennan County Sherriff's
Department agreed to lead the caravan of anti-war
demonstrators to the Bush Ranch. "As long as y'all work
with us, we'll work with y'all," he said.
The situation, however, turned less friendly as the
afternoon progressed.
At a checkpoint, the demonstrators, on orders from the
peace officers, exited their vehicles about eight miles
from the ranch and were told to walk in the direction of
the ranch on the shoulder of the road, not the roadway
itself, so as to not impede the traffic. The conditions
of the shoulder made it increasingly difficult for the
demonstrators to walk. Five-to-10-feet wide, the
shoulder was sloped inward ditch-like to two-to-three
feet in some places and lined with dry, uncut grass and
damp dirt.
The deputies finally ordered the demonstrators to halt
miles from the ranch because the group had not agreed to
its side of the "bargain" by walking on the roadway.
"The media is allowed on the road, so why aren't we?"
asked one of the demonstrators, to which an officer of
the Sheriff's Department replied, "Because they were
following you."
Sheehan, making one last attempt to push forward, said,
"In the name of 1,828 soldiers that should be alive, I'm
going to see the president. He killed my son."
Holding signs that said, "No more blood for oil,"
"Support our troops, bring them home now," "Iraq is
Arabic for Viet Nam," and "Frodo failed. Bush has the
ring," the demonstrators then chanted, "W. killed her
son. W. killed her son."
This first attempt to meet the President ended up
futile. Members of the group, including Sheehan,
exchanged a few heated words with the Sherriff's
deputies, Secret Service agents, and Texas Department of
Public Safety troopers who kept their composure through
the afternoon. There were no arrests made during the
Other political slogans and chants were heard, including
one from Hadi Jawad of the Crawford Peace House who
urged the news media keep reporting on the Downing
Street memos. These documents are a series of
classified, British reports made during a planning
session between British and American officials over Iraq
months before its invasion. The British officials note
in the memos that the United States was "fixing"
evidence around the administration's policy to justify
the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Sheehan, after the mainsteam media had left to file
their reports, said, "This is the beginning of the end
of the occupation of Iraq." A wild round of applause
White House spokesman Trent Duffy said in response to
Sheehan's actions that President Bush also wants the
troops to return home safely but their mission must be
completed in their honor. Two aides to the President,
national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White
House chief of staff Joe Hagin, later met with Sheehan
to say that the president cares, but she, though
appreciative, said in a message through The Iconoclast
to the President, "George Bush, if you really care about
me, why aren't you meeting with me?"
Sheehan, an opponent of the war in Iraq since its
inception, took part in a meeting with other military
families and Bush in June 2004 at Fort Lewis, near
Seattle, Wash. This occured two months after her son was
killed in Iraq. In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer
on Sunday, she said that during her first meeting with
President Bush, she felt that the President seemed more
jovial than sorrowful and expressed no interest in
knowing the name of her son or seeing pictures of him.
Sheehan intends to continue to attempt to gain an
audience with President Bush. "I'm filled with hope now,
too, that we might be able to turn things around," she
said, noting that additional support is on its way from
throughout the country as she continues her efforts,
which will include a candlelight vigil. Caravans from
Louisiana and San Diego are on the way, to name a
couple, she said.
Before her first attempt to speak to President Bush in
Crawford, Sheehan met with two victims of the Hiroshima
nuclear bombing, Dr. Satoru Konishi and ex-Marine Paul
Ritthaler, and Ritthaler's wife, Betty. A press
conference was held at the Peace House on the 60th
anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing.
During the day Sunday, Sheehan received numerous votes
of thanks, well-wishes, and support from around the
globe, said Diane Wilson, founding member of CodePink, a
national anti-war group. While Sheehan was doing
interviews Sunday afternoon, small groups of supporters
were arriving at her campsite, dropping off supplies and
and enjoying the cloudy weather on Prairie Chapel Road.
Wilson announced Sunday that she is starting a hunger
strike in Crawford aimed at getting President Bush to
talk with Cindy Sheehan, mother of a U.S. soldier slain
in Iraq. According to CodePink's website Sunday evening,
three others have joined the strike: Jodie Evans, Cindy
Sheehan's sister DeeDee, and Sarah Rath. Wilson said she
believes that more volunteers will follow suit around
the country in the coming days.
Friends of Peace and Justice of Waco are in the process
of mobilizing support for Sheehan's perhaps month-long
vigil. More information can be obtained at the Crawford
Peace House website or by calling (254) 486-0099 after
The Lone Star Iconoclast
Cindy, Don, and George On Being in a Ditch at the Side
of the Road
By Tom Engelhardt
Retired four-star Army General Barry McCaffrey to Time
Magazine: "The Army's wheels are going to come off in
the next 24 months. We are now in a period of
considerable strategic peril. It's because Rumsfeld has
dug in his heels and said, I cannot retreat from my
Cindy Sheehan testifying at Rep. John Conyers public
hearings on the Downing Street Memo: "My son, Spc Casey
Austin Sheehan, was KIA in Sadr City Baghdad on
04/04/04. He was in Iraq for only 2 weeks before
[Coalition Provisional Authority head] L. Paul Bremer
inflamed the Shi'ite Militia into a rebellion which
resulted in the deaths of Casey and 6 other brave
soldiers who were tragically killed in an ambush. Bill
Mitchell, the father of Sgt. Mike Mitchell who was one
of the other soldiers killed that awful day is with us
here. This is a picture of Casey when he was 7 months
old. It's an enlargement of a picture he carried in his
wallet until the day he was killed. He loved this
picture of himself. It was returned to us with his
personal effects from Iraq. He always sucked on those
two fingers. When he was born, he had a flat face from
passing through the birth canal and we called him
'Edward G' short for Edward G. Robinson. How many of
you have seen your child in his/her premature coffin?
It is a shocking and very painful sight. The most
heartbreaking aspect of seeing Casey lying in his
casket for me, was that his face was flat again because
he had no muscle tone. He looked like he did when he
was a baby laying in his bassinette. The most tragic
irony is that if the Downing Street Memo proves to be
true, Casey and thousands of people should still be
Donald Rumsfeld testifying before the House Armed
Services Committee in March, 2005: "The world has seen,
in the last 3 1/2 years, the capability of the United
States of America to go into Afghanistan . . . and with
20,000, 15,000 troops working with the Afghans do what
200,000 Soviets couldn't do in a decade. They've seen
the United States and the coalition forces go into
Iraq. . . . That has to have a deterrent effect on
people." (Ann Scott Tyson, "U.S. Gaining World's
Respect From Wars, Rumsfeld Asserts," the Washington
Post, March 11, 2005 [scroll down])
George Bush on arriving for a meeting with families of
the bereaved, including Cindy Sheehan and her husband
on June 17, 2004: "So who are we honoring here?"
A teaser at the "Careers and Jobs" screen of "Want an extra $400 a month?" Click on it
and part of what comes up is: "Qualified active Army
recruits may be eligible for AIP [Assignment Incentive
Pay] of $400 per month, up to 36 months for a total of
up to $14,400, if they agree to be assigned to an
Army-designated priority unit with a critical role in
current global commitments."
Who Is in That Ditch?
Casey Sheehan had one of those small "critical roles"
in the "current global commitment" in Iraq that, in
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's words, "has to
have a deterrent effect on people." As it happens,
Sheehan was one of the unexpectedly deterred and now,
along with 1,846 other American soldiers, is interred,
leaving his take-no-prisoners mother Cindy -- a
one-person anti-war movement -- with a critical role to
play in awakening Americans to the horrors, and
dangers, of the Bush administration's "current global
Over the last two years, administration officials,
civilian and military, have never ceased to talk about
"turning corners" or reaching "tipping points" and
achieving "milestones" in the Iraq-War-that-won't-end.
Now it seems possible that Cindy Sheehan in a
spontaneous act of opposition -- her decision to head
for Crawford, Texas, to face down a vacationing
President and demand an explanation for her son's death
-- may produce the first real American tipping point of
the Iraq War.
As a million news articles and TV reports have informed
us, she was stopped about 5 miles short of her target,
the Presidential "ranch" in Crawford, and found herself
unceremoniously consigned to a ditch at the side of a
Texas road, camping out. And yet somehow, powerless
except for her story, she has managed to take the
President of the United States hostage and turned his
Crawford refuge into the American equivalent of
Baghdad's Green Zone. She has mysteriously transformed
August's news into a question of whether, on his way to
meet Republican donors, the President will helicopter
over her encampment or drive past (as he, in fact, did)
in a tinted-windowed black Chevrolet SUV.
Faced with the power of the Bush political and media
machine, Cindy Sheehan has engaged in an extreme
version of asymmetrical warfare and, in her person, in
her story, in her version of "the costs of war," she
has also managed to catch many of the tensions of our
present moment. What she has exposed in the process is
the growing weakness and confusion of the Bush
administration. At this moment, it remains an open
question who, in the end, will be found in that ditch
at the side of a Texas road, her -- or the President of
the United States.
Confusion in the Ranks
Ellen Knickmeyer of the Washington Post reported last
week that "a U.S. general said... the violence would
likely escalate as the deadline approached for drafting
a constitution for Iraq." For two years now, this has
been a dime-a-dozen prediction from American officials
trying to cover their future butts. For the phrase
"drafting a constitution" in that general's quote, you
need only substitute "after the killing of Saddam
Hussein's sons" (July 2003), "for handing over
sovereignty" (June 2004), "for voting for a new Iraqi
government" (Jan. 2005) -- or, looking ahead, "for
voting on the constitution" (October, 2005) and, yet
again, "for voting for a new Iraqi government"
(December 2005), just as you will be able to substitute
as yet unknown similar "milestones" that won't turn out
to be milestones as long as our President insists that
we must "stay the course" in Iraq as he did only
recently as his Crawford vacation began.
After each "spike of violence," at each "tipping
point," each time a "corner is turned," Bush officials
or top commanders predict that they have the insurgency
under control only to be ambushed by yet another
"spike" in violence. This May, for example, more than
three months after violence was supposed to have spiked
and receded in the wake of the Iraqi election, Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Richard Myers offered a new
explanation -- the "recent spike in violence...
represents an attempt to discredit the new Iraqi
government and cabinet." When brief lulls in insurgent
attacks (which often represent changes in tactics)
aren't being declared proof that the Iraqi insurgency
is faltering/failing/coming under control, then the
spikes are being claimed as "the last gasp" of the
insurgency, proof of the impending success of Bush
administration policies -- those "last throes" that
Vice President Cheney so notoriously described to CNN's
Wolf Blitzer as June ended.
Recently in a throw-(not throe-)up-your-hands mode,
Army Brig. Gen. Karl Horst, deputy commander of the 3rd
Infantry Division, which oversees Baghdad, offered the
following, taking credit for having predicted the very
throe his troops were then engulfed in: "If you look at
the past few months, insurgents have not been able to
sustain attacks, but they tend to surge every four
weeks or so. We are right in the middle of one of those
periods and predicted this would come... If they are
going to influence the constitution process, they have
only a few days left to do it, and we fully expect the
attacks to continue."
You would think that someone in an official capacity
would conclude, sooner or later, that Iraq was a spike
in violence.
It's an accepted truth of our times that the Bush
administration has been the most secretive,
disciplined, and on-message administration in our
history. So what an out-of-control couple of weeks for
the President and his pals! His polls were at, or near,
historic lows; his Iraq War approval numbers headed
for, or dipping below, 40% -- and polls are, after all,
the message boards for much of what's left of American
democracy. As he was preparing for his record-setting
Presidential vacation in Crawford, George and his
advisors couldn't even agree on whether we were in a
"global struggle with violent extremism" or in a Global
War on Terror. (The President finally opted for war.)
He was, of course, leaving behind in Washington a
Special Counsel, called into being by his
administration but now beyond its control, who held a
sword of judicial Damocles over key presidential aides
(and who can probably parse sinking presidential polls
as well as anyone).
Iraq -- you can't leave home without it -- has, of
course, been at the heart of everything Bushworld
hasn't been able to shake off at least since May 2,
2003. On that day (when, ominously enough, 7 American
soldiers were wounded by a grenade attack in Fallujah),
our President co-piloted a jet onto the USS Abraham
Lincoln, an aircraft carrier halted off the San Diego
coast (lest it dock and he only be able to walk on
board). All togged out in a military uniform, he
declared "major combat operations" at an end, while
standing under a White House-produced banner reading
"mission accomplished." Ever since then, George has
been on that mission (un)accomplished and Iraq has
proved nothing if not a black hole, sucking in his
administration and the American military along with
neocon dreams and plans of every ambitious sort.
The Iraqi insurgency that should never have happened,
or should at least have died down after unknown
thousands of its foot soldiers were killed or
imprisoned by the American military, inconveniently
managed to turn the early days of August into a killing
zone for American soldiers. Sixteen Marine Reservists
from a single unit in Ohio were killed in a couple of
days; 7 soldiers from the Pennsylvania National Guard
were killed, again in a few days. Thirty-seven
Americans were reported to have died in Iraq in the
first 11 days of the presidential vacation, putting
American casualties at the top of the TV news night
after night. And yet the administration has seemed
capable only of standing by helplessly, refusing to
give an inch on the "compassion" President's decision
-- he and his advisors are still navigating by the
anti-Vietnam playbook -- not to visit grief-stricken
communities in either Ohio or Pennsylvania, or ever to
be caught attending the funeral of one of the boys or
girls he sent abroad to die. He did manage, however, to
fly to the Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico
to sign the energy bill and also left his ranch to
hobnob with millionaire Republican donors.
In this same period, cracks in relations between an
increasingly angry military command in Iraq and
administration officials back in Washington began to
appear for all to see. The issue, for desperate
military officers, was - as for Cindy Sheehan -- how in
the world to get our troops out of Iraq before the
all-volunteer military went over an Iraqi cliff, wheels
and all.
As July ended, our top general in Iraq, George W.
Casey, announced (with many conditional "ifs") that we
should be able to start drawing-down American troops
significantly by the following spring -- that tens of
thousands of them were likely to leave then and tens of
thousands more by the end of 2006, and Don Rumsfeld
initially backed him up somewhat edgily. Then, as
Rumsfeld hedged, more military people jumped into the
media fray with leaks and comments of all sorts about
possible Iraqi drawdowns and there was a sudden squall
of front-page articles on withdrawal strategies for a
hard-pressed administration in an increasingly
unpopular war. At the same time, confusingly, reports
began to surface indicating that, because of another of
those prospective "spikes" in violence, the
administration would actually be increasing American
troop strength in Iraq before the December elections by
10,000-20,000 soldiers.
Finally, after a war council of the Rumsfeld and Rice
(Pentagon and State Department) "teams" in Crawford
last week, the President held a press conference
(devoted in part to responding to Cindy Sheehan) and
promptly launched a new, ad-style near-jingle to
explain the withdrawal moment to the American people:
"As Iraqis stand up," he intoned, "we will stand down."
But in a week in which the American general in command
of transportation in Iraq announced that roadside bomb
attacks against his convoys had doubled over the past
year, such words sounded empty -- especially as news
flowed in suggesting that, while the insurgents
continued to fight fiercely, the new Iraqi military
seemed in no rush whatsoever to "stand up" and that our
own commanders believed it might never do so in
significant numbers. At his news conference, our
never-never-land President nonetheless spoke several
times of being pleased to announce "progress" in Iraq.
("And we're making progress training the Iraqis. Oh, I
know it's hard for some Americans to see that progress,
but we are making progress.")
He spoke as well of attempts to ease the burden on the
no-longer-weekend warriors of the National Guard and
the Reserves (who are taking unprecedented casualties
in August). He said: "We've also taken steps to improve
the call-up process for our Guard and for our Reserves.
We've provided them with earlier notifications. We've
given them greater certainty about the length of their
tours. We minimized the number of extensions and repeat
mobilizations." Unfortunately, at just this moment,
Joint Chiefs head Myers was speaking of the possibility
of calling soldiers back for their third tours of duty
in Iraq: "There's the possibility of people going back
for a third term, sure. That's always out there. We are
at war."
"Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to
the enemy," the President insisted as he turned to the
matter of withdrawal in his news conference. He then
dismissed drawdown maneuvers as "speculation and
rumors"; and, on being confronted by a reporter with
the statements of his own military men, added, "I
suspect what you were hearing was speculation based
upon progress that some are seeing in Iraq as to
whether or not the Iraqis will be able to take the
fight to the enemy."
While that may sound vague, it was, nonetheless, the
sound of a President (who, along with his Secretary of
Defense, has always promised to abide by whatever his
generals in the field wanted) disputing those
commanders in public. Gen. Casey was also reportedly
"rebuked" in private for his withdrawal comments. Our
commanders in Iraq are, of course, the official
realists in this war, having long ago given up on the
idea that the insurgency could ever be defeated by
force of U.S. arms and worrying as they do about those
"wheels coming off" the American military machine.
In fact, the Bush administration's occupation of Iraq
-- as Howard Zinn put the matter recently, "[W]e
liberated Iraq from Saddam Hussein, but not from us."
-- is threatening to prove one of the great asymmetric
catastrophes in recent military history. A rag-tag
bunch of insurgents, now estimated in the tens of
thousands, using garage-door openers and cell phones to
set off roadside bombs and egg-timers to fire mortars
at U.S. bases (lest they be around when the return fire
comes in), have fought the U.S. military to at least a
draw. We're talking about a military that, not so long
ago, was being touted as the most powerful force not
just on this planet at this moment but on any planet in
all of galactic history.
Previously, such rumors of withdrawal followed by a
quiet hike in troop strength in Iraq might have been
simply another clever administration attempt to
manipulate the public and have it both ways. At the
moment, however, they seem to be a sign not of
manipulation but of confusion, discord, and uncertainty
about what to do next. If the public was left confused
by such "conflicting signals" about an Iraqi
withdrawal, wrote Peter Baker of the Washington Post,
"it may be no more unsure than the administration
itself, as some government officials involved in Iraq
policy privately acknowledge." An unnamed "military
officer in Washington" typically commented to Anne E.
Kornblut of the New York Times, "We need to stick to
one message. This vacillation creates confusion for the
American public."
Even administration officials are now evidently
"significantly lowering expectations" and thinking
about how exactly to jump off the sinking Iraqi ship.
The President, beseeching "the public to stick with his
strategy despite continuing mayhem on the ground," is,
Baker commented, "trying to buy time." But buy time for
what? This is the question that has essentially
paralyzed George Bush's top officials as they face a
world suddenly not in their control.
Cindy and the Media
And then, if matters weren't bad enough, there was
Cindy Sheehan. She drove to Crawford with a few
supporters in a caravan of perhaps a dozen vehicles and
an old red, white, and blue bus with the blunt phrase,
"Impeachment Tour," written on it. She carried with her
a tent, a sleeping bag, some clothes, and evidently not
much else. She parked at the side of the road and
camped out -- and the next thing anyone knew, she had
forced the President to send out not the Secret Service
or some minor bureaucrat, but two of his top men,
National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and Deputy
Chief of Staff Joe Hagin. For forty-five minutes, they
met and negotiated with her, the way you might with a
recalcitrant foreign head of state. Rather than being
flattered and giving ground, she just sent them back,
insisting that she would wait where she was to get the
President's explanation for her son's death. ("They
said they'd pass on my concerns to George Bush. I said,
'Fine, but I'm not talking to anybody else but him.'")
So there she was, as people inspired by her began to
gather -- the hardy women of Code Pink; other parents
whose children had died in Iraq; a former State
Department official who had resigned her post to
protest the onrushing Iraq War; "a political consultant
and a team of public relations professionals"; antiwar
protestors of all sorts; and, of course, the media.
Quite capable of reading administration weakness in the
polls, trapped in no-news Crawford with a President
always determined to offer them less than nothing,
hardened by an administration whose objective for any
media not its own was only "rollback," and sympathetic
to a grieving mother from Bush's war, reporters found
themselves with an irresistible story at a moment when
they could actually run with it.
Literally hundreds of news articles -- almost every one
a sympathetic profile of the distraught mother and her
altar-boy, Eagle-Scout dead son -- poured out; while
Sheehan was suddenly on the morning TV shows and the
nightly news, where a stop-off at "Camp Casey" or the
"Crawford Peace House" was suddenly de rigueur. And the
next thing you knew, there was the President at his
news conference forced to flinch a second time and,
though Sheehan was clobbering him, offer "sympathy" to
a grieving mother at the side of the road five miles
away whom he wasn't about to invite in, even for a
simple meeting, but who just wouldn't leave. ("And so,
you know, listen, I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan. She
feels strongly about her -- about her position. And I
am -- she has every right in the world to say what she
believes. This is America. She has a right to her
Talk about asymmetric warfare. One woman against the
massed and proven might of the Bush political machine
and its major media allies (plus assorted bloggers) and
though some of them started whacking away immediately,
Cindy Sheehan remained unfazed. After all, she had been
toiling in the wilderness and this was her moment.
Whatever the right-wing press did, she could take it --
and, of course, the mainstream media had for the time
being decided to fall in love with her. After all, she
was perfect. American reporters love a one-on-one,
"showdown" situation without much context, a
face-to-face shoot-out at the OK Corral. (Remember
those endless weeks on TV labeled "Showdown with
Saddam"?) In addition, they were -- let's be honest --
undoubtedly angry after the five-year-long pacification
campaign the administration had waged against them.
But they had their own ideas about who exactly Cindy
Sheehan should be to win over America. They would paint
a strikingly consistent, quite moving, but not
completely accurate picture of her. They would attempt
to tame her by shearing away her language, not just the
profanity for which she was known, but the very
fierceness of her words. She had no hesitation about
calling the President "an evil maniac," "a lying
bastard," or the administration "those lying bastards,"
"chickenhawks," "warmongers," "shameful cowards," and
"war criminals." She called for the President's
"impeachment," for the jailing of the whole top layer
of the administration (no pardons). She called for
American troops to be pulled out of Iraq now. And most
of this largely disappeared from a much-softened media
portrait of a grieving antiwar mother.
And yet Sheehan herself seems unfazed by the media
circus and image-shaping going on around her. In a
world where horrors are referred to euphemistically, or
limned in politely, or artfully ignored, she does
something quite rare -- she calls things by their names
as she sees them. She is as blunt and impolite in her
mission as the media is circumspect and polite in its
job, as most of the opposition to George Bush is in its
"opposition." And it was her very bluntness, her
ability to shock by calling things by their actual
names, by acting as she saw fit, that let her break
through and that may help turn a set of unhappy public
opinion polls into a full-scale antiwar movement.
What will happen next? Will the President actually
attend a funeral? Will Cindy Sheehan force him from his
Green-Zone world? Suddenly, almost anything seems
However the media deals with her, she embodies every
bind the administration is in. As with Iraq (as well as
Iran), the administration can't either make its will
felt or sweep her off the landscape. Bush and his
officials blinked at a moment when they would certainly
have liked to whack her, fearing the power of the
mother of a dead son from their war. And then,
completely uncharacteristically, they vacillated and
flip-flopped. They ignored her, then negotiated. They
sent out their attack dogs to flail at her, then
expressed sympathy. Officials, who have always known
what to do before, had no idea what to do with Cindy
Sheehan. The most powerful people in the world, they
surely feel trapped and helpless. Somehow, she's taken
that magical presidential something out of George and
cut him down to size. It's been a remarkable
performance so far.
The Tipping Point?
Casey Sheehan died on April 4, 2004, soon after he
arrived for his tour of duty in Iraq. His mother had
never wanted him to go to a war that was "wrong," a
place where he might have to "kill innocent people" and
where he might die. ("I begged him not to go. I said,
'I'll take you to Canada'... but he said, 'Mom, I have
to go. It's my duty. My buddies are going.'") In her
grief -- always beyond imagining for those of us who
have not lost a child -- this woman found her calling,
one that she would never have wanted and that no one
would have ever wished on her.
For more than a year, having set up a small
organization, Gold Star Families for Peace, she
traveled the country insisting that the President
explain, but in relative obscurity -- except on the
Internet, that place where so much gestates which later
bursts into our mainstream world and where today, at which monitors usage on blogs, her name
is the most frequently searched for of all. As she has
said, "If we didn't have the Internet, none of us would
really know what was truly going on. This is something
that can't be ignored."
In March, she appeared -- thanks to prescient editors
-- on the cover of the Nation magazine for an article,
The New Face of Protest?, on the developing military,
and military-family inspired, antiwar movement. She was
giving a speech at the Veterans for Peace national
convention in Dallas when she evidently decided that
she had to head for Crawford and the rest you know.
As our President likes to speak about "our mission" in
Iraq and "our mission of defeating terrorists" in the
world, so Cindy Sheehan has found herself on a mission.
Our President speaks resolutely of "staying the course"
in Iraq. That's exactly what Cindy Sheehan is planning
to do in Crawford (and undoubtedly beyond). George
prides himself on not flinching, giving ground, or ever
saying he's sorry. But he also had remarkably good luck
until he ran into Cindy. Whether in his presidential
runs, in Congress, or elsewhere, he really hasn't come
up against an opponent who was ready to dig in and duke
it out blow for blow, an opponent ready never to
flinch, never to apologize, never to mince words, never
to take prisoners. Now he's got one -- and like so many
personal demons, she's been called up from the Id of
his own war: A mother of one of the dead who demands an
explanation, an answer, when no answer he gives will
ever conceivably do; a woman who, like his neocon
companions, has no hesitation about going for the
jugular. And, amazingly, she's already made the man
flinch twice.
No matter how the media surrounds her or tries to tame
her, the fact is she's torn up the oppositional rule
book. She's a woman made in the mold of Iraq War vet
Paul Hackett, who ran in a hopelessly Republican
congressional district recently. He didn't hesitate to
call the President a "chicken hawk" or a "son of a
bitch," and to the surprise of all won 48% of the vote
doing so, leading Newt Gingrich to say that the race
"should serve as a wake-up call to Republicans" for the
2006 elections.
There's a lesson in this. Americans are not, generally
speaking, your basic turn-the-other-cheek sorts of
folks. They like to know that the people they vote for
or support will, at the very least, stand there and
whack back, if whacked at. Whatever she may have been
before, Cindy Sheehan was beaten into just that shape
on the anvil of her son's death. ("I was stunned and
dismayed when the United States invaded Iraq. I didn't
agree with it. I didn't think it was right, but I never
protested until after Casey was killed.") Some of her
testimony at the Conyers hearings on the Downing Street
Memo catches this spirit and it's well worth quoting:
"There are a few people around the US and a couple of
my fellow witnesses who were a little justifiably
worried that in my anger and anguish over Casey's
premeditated death, I would use some swear words, as I
have been known to do on occasion when speaking about
the subject. Mr. Conyers, out of my deep respect for
you, the other representatives here, my fellow
witnesses, and viewers of these historic proceedings, I
was able to make it through an entire testimony without
using any profanity. However, if anyone deserves to be
angry and use profanity, it is I. What happened to
Casey and humanity because of the apparent dearth of
honesty in our country's leadership is so profane that
it defies even my vocabulary skills. We as Americans
should be offended more by the profanity of the actions
of this administration than by swear words. We have all
heard the old adage that actions speak louder than
words and for the sake of Casey and our other precious
children, please hold someone accountable for their
actions and their words of deception."
Last week, the Pentagon relieved a four-star general of
his command allegedly because he had an affair, while
separated from his wife, with a woman not in the
military or the government; and yet not a single top
official or high-ranking officer (except for scapegoat
Brig. Gen. Janice Karpinski) has suffered for American
acts at Abu Ghraib, or murder and torture throughout
our imperium, or for torture and abuse at our prison in
Guantanamo, or for any of the disasters of Iraq. In
such a context, the words "please hold someone
accountable" by the mother of a boy killed in Iraq, a
woman on a mission who doesn't plan to back down or
leave off any time soon -- well, that truly constitutes
going directly for the President's political throat.
It's mano a mano time, and while I would never
underestimate what this administration might do, I
wouldn't underestimate the fierce power of an angry
mother either. The Bush administration is in trouble in
Iraq, in Washington, and in Crawford.
Tom Engelhardt, who runs the Nation Institute's ("a regular antidote to the mainstream
media"), is the co-founder of the American Empire
Project and the author of The End of Victory Culture, a
history of American triumphalism in the Cold War.
[Note on sources: Cindy Sheehan is first and foremost
an Internet phenomenon. Those of you who want to read
her writings since 2004 should visit her archive at the
always lively libertarian site,
(Rockwell seems to specialize in strong women,
publishing as well the writings of ret. Lt. Col. Karen
Kwiatkowski.) For the Sheehan phenomenon in its present
incarnation check out a new website, but then go to the must-visit
site,, which has a fascinating,
ever-updated Sheehan subsection.]
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