Was sind "High Power Microwave"-Waffen? / High-power microwave weapons
Sie sollen im angekündigten Krieg gegen Irak eingesetzt werden / An attack on Iraq is expected to see the first use of HPM-weapons
Die US-Armee plant für einen möglichen Irak-Angriff auf sogenannte "High
Power Microwave"-Waffen zurückzugreifen. Dies meldeten Anfang August das
Wissenschaftsmagazin "New Scientist" und das Fachmagazin "Aviation
Now". Die Waffen würden gezielt die elektronische Infrastruktur feindlicher
Kommandozentralen mit elektromagnetischen Feldern von enormer Stärke
zerstören. Im Folgenden wollen wir die wesentlichen Wirkungsmechanismen der neuen Waffe auf Deutsch kurz erläutern, wobei wir uns an eine Meldung der "Netzeitung" vom 9. August halten, und sodann weitere Erläuterungen auf Englisch geben.
Ziele der E-Bomben könnten befestigte unterirdische Bunkeranlagen und auch Militäranlagen in der Nähe
ziviler Einrichtungen werden. Bunkeranlagen seien so gut wie nicht gegen die Waffen zu verteidigen, da die
elektromagnetischen Impulse über Versorgungsleitungen und Kabelanlagen in
die Anlagen eindringen könnten.
Kaum Schäden bei Zivilisten
Bei einem Einsatz gegen Ziele inmitten stark bewohnter Gebiete wären
darüber hinaus zivile Opfer weitgehend ausgeschlossen. Die Wirkung der
Waffen richtete sich nur gegen elektronische Anlagen. Menschen würden von
ihnen nicht verletzt. Die High-Power-Microwave-Waffen (HPM) könnten beispielsweise einen so
genannten Explosive-Pumped-Flux-Generator. Hier wäre ein stark elektrisch
geladenes Drahtbündel um ein Kupferrohr gewickelt, das wiederum selbst mit
Sprengstoff gefüllt wäre. Bei einer Explosion in der Luft käme der Draht mit
dem Kupferkern in Kontakt, ein Kurzschluss entstünde, der die elektrische
Ladung in Stromstärken von über zehn Millionen Ampére umwandeln würde.
Die Systeme sind nach Angaben des Magazins nur für einmaligen Gebrauch
geeignet. Nach Informationen des Magazins wird aber mit einer baldigen
Entwicklung von mehrfach verwendbaren Typen gerechnet.
Bereits während des Balkankonflikts war es zum Einsatz von
Vorgängermodellen dieser "HPM"-Waffen gekommen. Sogenannte
"Blackout-Bomben" hatten durch den Ausstoß von Kohlenstoff-Filamenten
über elektrischen Anlagen Kurzschlüsse verursacht und damit die
Einrichtungen betriebsunfähig machen können.
High-power microwave weapons
An attack on Iraq is expected to see the first use
of high-power microwave weapons that produce a
split-second spike of energy powerful enough to
damage electronic components and scramble
computer memories. Expendable, high-power microwave weapons
mounted in cruise missiles and other aerial weapons
could be first used in combat in Iraq as the U.S.
introduces new technological wrinkles to create
confusion and surprise.
They are designed, at least initially, for use from
cruise missiles and unmanned aircraft. Adding a
directed-energy weapon to an unmanned combat
vehicle "is the ideal mode," said a British
aerospace official. Britain also is well advanced in
the technology. "There's no risk to a pilot, there's a
greater degree of accuracy [in hitting the target],
and it doesn't rely on scattering flechettes that
murder half the population of the country you are
attacking. Everybody wants that capability. There
are those who say we could demonstrate it today,"
he said with a smile.
The combination of unmanned vehicles and
HPM (high-power microwave) weapons also
provides a way to attack the toughest targets in
any foe's arsenal, said Gen. John Jumper, U.S. Air
Force chief of staff.
"If you combine directed energy with the UCAVs of
the type we have today, you have a combination
that uses stealth to go into [heavily defended
territory and HPM to] tell the SA-10 that it's a
Maytag washer on the rinse cycle rather than a
missile about to shoot somebody down," Jumper
said. "You can fly this thing in and debilitate in
various ways the sophisticated communications
and electronics that are going to cause you the
greatest worry [and make the attack] with
deniability. I don't think it will compete with F-15Es
and the Joint Strike Fighter, but it would be
valuable to commanders in an [air defense]
suppression or information operations role."
Lt. Gen. Charles Wald, Air Force deputy chief of
staff for air and space operations (and newly
nominated for promotion to the rank of general and
the post of deputy commander of U.S. European
Command), also hinted at the use of new
technologies in a recent Air Force Magazine
Electronic warfare in any new conflict will include
information operations, which can involve the
placing of false targets via computer penetration,
according to another Air Force official. "And
perhaps some emerging technologies that are still
classified," Wald said.
In the longer term, perhaps in 3-5 years, the
military expects to have reusable HPM weapons
that can be installed on aircraft or unmanned
combat aircraft. Because of HPM's limited
range--now just getting beyond the 1,000-ft.
mark--planners look at unmanned aircraft as the
perfect platform to go into heavily defended areas to
damage air defense radars, communications,
command and control computers, and
chemical/biological storage or production facilities.
However, HPM weapons now available to be used
against Iraq are not talked about openly. They are
built, like bombs, as expendable one-time-use
weapons. Many of the payloads are designed for
carriage by cruise missiles like the ALCM,
Tomahawk, Jassm or Britain's Storm Shadow.
However, there may be an alternative to one-way
missions by these expensive cruise missiles. At
the recent Farnborough air show, Lockheed
Martin's advanced development program produced
concepts for returnable cruise missiles, which
would help defray the cost of expensive airframes
and HPM payloads.
Two systems have been used to produce HPM. An
older technology explodes high explosives wrapped
around a coil with an electrical field to produce a
blast of HPM. A version of this was tested by the
U.S. Air Force using specially modified Air
Launched Cruise Missiles but was supposedly
abandoned for not being directional or long-range
A higher tech version uses a new generation of
capacitors. These are discharged, and the pulse of
energy focused in a relatively tight arc in front of the
Range of HPM is expected to continue
increasing as apertures and electronically steered
antennas are improved, said a senior U.S.
aerospace official. This class of weapon is
expected to be effective against command and
control centers and weapons production sites
buried deep underground as a defense against
allied air attacks. CIA officials have noted for the
last decade greatly increased purchases of
Earth-boring equipment by Middle Eastern
countries. While these buried sites may be
immune to bombs, they have vulnerabilities to
HPM. They must have access to the surface for
water, ventilation, electricity and communications.
All these provide conduits for bursts of energy into
the underground structure.
Current research emphasis has now shifted
to "reusable payloads, not on one-way, cruise
missile-type missions," a U.S. Air Force official
said. "We want to send them back on mission after
mission. TRW is conducting a number of projects
at Kirtland [AFB, N.M., an Air Force Research
Laboratory facility]. They're making good headway,
but they can't squirt sufficient energy at long
ranges. That's why we need UCAVs. With
precision navigation, you can put a DE
[directed-energy] payload within 50 ft. of a
geographic point so that you can shoot a burst of
HPM at the right time and right place."
HPM and lasers are the primary directed-energy
weapons available to the military, but on the
horizon is a third called a plasma weapon. A
plasma packet has mass, moves through space
and has been compared with a bolt of lightning. It is
slower than a laser beam or HPM spike, but it can
cause much more physical damage.
Aviation Week & Space Technology, 5. August 2002
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