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Der russische Außenminister Lawrow warnt vor einer Erosion der Grundlagen der heutigen Weltordnung

Syriens Außenminister: "Das ist kein Bürgerkrieg"

Bei der UN-Generalversammlung haben alle Staaten der Welt Gelegenheit, ihren Standpunkt zu Fragen der internationalen Beziehungen und zur Zukunft der Weltorganisation darzulegen. Am 27. September sprach der russische Außenminister und kritisierte die Politik der Gewaltandrohung in der Syrien-Frage. Der syrische Außenminister, der drei Tage später ans Rednerpult trat, stellte den Standpunkt der Regierung in Damaskus dar: Der Krieg in Syrien sei kein "Bürgerkrieg", sagte er, sondern stelle eine auswärtige Invasion dar. Der Staat habe die Pflicht und das Recht, den Kampf gegen den organisierten Terrorismus mit allen Mitteln und mit aller Härte zu bekämpfen.

Im Folgendern dokumentieren wir die Reden von Lawrow und Walid Almoualem in Zusammenfassungen durch die UN-Behörde (englisch).

H.E. Mr. Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs

27 September 2013

Statement Summary:

SERGEY V. LAVROV, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, said that many problems of today’s world were reflected in the tragic situation of Syria and the ambiguous developments in the Middle East and North Africa. From the very beginning of the turmoil, the Russian Federation had called for a common international approach, combining support for the Arab people in their transformation and the understanding that, objectively, those processes would be lengthy and sometimes painful, and that it would be quite important not to harm them through “rude outside interference”.

He said there was a need to act in a balanced way, taking into account the complex developments associated with a strenuous search for compromises among various ethnic and religious groups making up the mosaic of Arab societies. The desire to portray developments in the Arab world simplistically as the struggle for democracy against tyranny, or good against evil, had long obscured the problems associated with the rising wave of extremism that had spilled over to other regions. The terrorist attack in Kenya was a clear example of the gravity of that threat, he said, pointing out that groups comprising radicals from all over the world were the most combat-capable units in various opposition movements. “The goals they pursue have nothing to do with democracy,” he stressed. Rather, they were based on intolerance and aimed at the destruction of secular States and the establishment of caliphates.

While describing the use of chemical weapons as inadmissible, he said that did not bestow the right to accuse and pass judgement. All incidents associated with the use of chemical weapons, by whomsoever that might be in Syria, must be investigated in a professional and unbiased manner, he emphasized. He recalled that a common argument had been used recently to prove that the use of force was the most effective method to address problems, although all experience of such interventions had demonstrated that it was ineffective, meaningless and destructive. That was an extremely dangerous path, leading to the erosion of the foundations of today’s world order, he warned. Threats to use military force to ensure one’s own interests in the Middle East under the pretext of the “remaining demand for leadership” were unacceptable.

Syrians continued to die needlessly every day, with religious minorities, including Christian communities, falling victim to the conflict, which was increasingly acquiring a sectarian character. The only possible way to end the turmoil was to move away from the deadlock in the political process. At the same time, the Syrian conflict must not overshadow the question of Palestine, he said, calling on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to shoulder their responsibilities. The Quartet remained the internationally recognized mechanism of assistance to the peace process, alongside the Madrid Principles and the Arab Peace Initiative. On the Iranian nuclear programme and the Korean peninsula, he mentioned President Vladimir Putin’s New York Times article, which called for an end to using the language of force and a return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.

Die ganze Rede (englisch) [externer Link]

H.E. Mr. Walid Almoualem, Deputy Prime Minister

30 September 2013

Statement Summary:

WALID AL-MOUALEM, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Syria, noted that many countries still faced political, financial and economic crises that exceeded their abilities to confront on their own. “Instead of settling regional and international conflicts by peaceful means, some known countries continue pursuing aggressive policies against certain nations,” he said. “Political hypocrisy increases to intervene in the domestic affairs of States under the pretext of humanitarian intervention or the responsibility to protect.” And when those aggressive policies did not prove beneficial for some countries, like Syria, those well-known States “reveal their true face and threaten with blatant military consensus”. Those same countries were supporting terrorism in Syria.

“There is no civil war in Syria,” he declared, reiterating that the war was being waged against terrorism. The international community should act in accordance with the relevant resolutions on counter-terrorism and take measures to compel the countries financing, arming, training and providing safe havens and passage for terrorists. “We were the ones targeted by poisonous gases in Khan al-Assal, near Aleppo,” he said. Syria had requested an investigation mission and demanded the inclusion in its mandate the ability to determine who had used chemical weapons, but the United States, France and the United Kingdom had limited the mission’s functions to deciding whether chemical weapons had been used. The mission had been awaited for more than five months and then withdrawn before completing its work.

He applauded the initiative by the President of the Russian Federation and called attention to the fact that Syria, by acceding to the Chemical Weapons Convention, had proven its opposition to their use. “However, there remains the challenge that is facing all of us whether those who are supplying terrorists with these types of weapon will abide by their legal commitments, since terrorists who used poisonous gases have received chemical agents from regional and Western countries that are well known to us,” he said. Recalling that his country had repeatedly announced its willingness to seek a political solution to the crisis, he underlined the Syrian people’s right to choose their leadership and rejected all forms of foreign interference in its domestic affairs. On displaced persons, he said that, in some countries, they had been placed in military training camps or places resembling places of detention. He called on Syrian citizens to return home, where the State would guarantee their safe return and livelihoods.

Calling for a return to the 1967 line in the occupied Syrian Golan, he confirmed his country’s support for the right of the Palestinian people to an independent State. Syria also renewed its call on the international community to work on establishing a Middle East zone free of all weapons of mass destruction, which could not be achievable without the accession of Israel, the region’s only nuclear Power, underlining also the “right of all countries to acquire and develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes in accordance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty”. The United States and the European Union should refrain from imposing immoral economic measures that contradicted the rules of international law and the principles of free trade, and accordingly lift the embargo on Cuba, as well as all unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria, Venezuela, Belarus, Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Syria looked positively upon efforts by the United States and Iran to bridge the gap of mistrust and hoped it would reflect constructively on the stability of international relations, he said.

Die ganze Rede (englisch) [externer Link]

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