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Nach den internationalen Demonstrationen für Menschenrechte in der Westsahara:

Aufforderung an die UNO, ihren In Westsahara stationierten Truppen (MINURSO) einen Schutzauftrag zu erteilen (Pressemitteilung und Brief)


Die Westsahara ist die letzten Kolonie Afrikas. Sie wurde völkerrechtswidrig von Marokko besetzt und Menschenrechtsverletzungen geschehen in den besetzten Gebieten täglich. Deswegen wird die UNO aufgefordert, ihren dort stationierten Truppen (MINURSO) einen entsprechenden Schutzauftrag zu erteilen.

Um dieser Forderung Gehör zu verschaffen, fanden am Samstag, den 14.04.2012 zeitgleich in Madrid, Paris, London, Wien, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Rom, Den Haag, Brüssel und Berlin, aber auch in den saharauischen Flüchtlingslagern in Algerien sowie in den besetzten Gebieten Aktionen statt.

Eine Gruppe in Melbourne hatte bereits am 13.04. den Anfang gemacht. Die Aktionen standen unter dem Motto „MINURSO: Nichts hören, nichts sehen, nichts sagen!“ und wurden durch jeweils drei Affen dargestellt. Wie in vielen der anderen Städte fand die Aktion in Berlin vor der französischen Botschaft statt, weil Frankreich die Besatzungsmacht Marokko in jeder Hinsicht unterstützt und selbst die Frage der Menschenrechtsbeobachtung mit Vetodrohungen im Sicherheitsrat der UN zu verhindern weiß.

Getragen wurden diese Aktionen von der saharauischen Studierendenvertretung (UESARIO) und Unterstützergruppen in verschiedenen Ländern. An der Aktion in Berlin beteiligte sich u.a. Volker Beck (die Grünen), Mitglied im Bundestagsausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe.

Die Enttäuschung über den mittlerweile 20jährigen ergebnislosen Verhandlungsprozeß bei der UNO ist insbesondere bei jungen Saharauis, die unter der Besatzung oder unter extremen Bedingungen in Flüchtlingslagern leben müssen, sehr groß. Ein Ende des gegenwärtigen Waffenstillstands wird vielfach gefordert. Der Sicherheitsrat der UN, der nun im April über eine Fortsetzung des MINURSO-Mandats befinden muss, sollte sich dieser Enttäuschung und Ungeduld gerade der jungen Saharauis bewußt sein und nachdrücklicher für die Lösung des Konfliktes einsetzen, um eine mögliche militärische Eskalation noch verhindern zu können.

Dokumentiert: Brief an den UN-Sicherheitsrat

LETTER,April 16th 2012

Their Excellencies
Representatives to the United Nations Security Council

Your Excellencies,

In light of the forthcoming meeting of the Security Council to vote on the renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), we are writing to urge you to extend the MINURSO mandate to include the monitoring of human rights violations in the region.

On April 14th we demonstrated in front of French embassies in Madrid, Rome, Paris, London, The Hague, Brussel, Berlin, Vienna, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki and furthermore on 13th in front of the French consulate of Melbourne, as well as a demonstration in the Saharawi refugee camps. We took this action because the Moroccan forces continue to systematically violate several articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) as well as the UN Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, adopted by the UN General Assembly December 9, 1998, and because the persecution, imprisonment, illegitimate trials, and violence exerted against Saharawi peaceful demonstrators in the occupied territory of Western Sahara, which is being simultaneously witnessed and ignored by MINURSO.

This inacceptable situation is exacerbated by the repeated refusal of the UN Security Council to extend its mandate to include the monitoring of human rights violations in the territory. Most notably, we denounce the stubborn position of the French government in repeatedly blocking this decision. We ask: why is France incapable of supporting the decision to monitor human rights in Western Sahara, while it is playing such a prominent role in support of the movements associated to the “Arab spring” across North Africa? Through its active complicity and connivance with Moroccan crimes, the French govenment is making a mockery of the principles of “Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité” over which it is founded and which it habitually flags to legitimate its intervention in international affairs.

Morocco’s violation of human rights has been widely documented by numerous reports from prestigious international organizations including Amnesty International [1], Human Rights Watch [2] and the Robert Kennedy Foundation, including the destruction of the camps of “Gdeim Izik” when close to 20,000 Saharawis peacefully protested for their rights 15 km away from the city of El Aaiún before the Moroccan army cast them out in violence, destroying their tents and killing three (cf. AI Country-Report: Morocco and Western Sahara 2011) [3]. We are demanding your country to adhere to its commitment to international law instead of perpetuating the blind-eyed policy of the UN Security Council, choosing to render the injustice committed against the Saharawi people invisible.

MINURSO’s main responsibilities include the realization of a free and fair referendum for self-determination in the region of Western Sahara and to safeguard the cease-fire agreed upon by the two parties in conflict in 1991. However, in the absence of civil liberties in the occupied territories of Western Sahara these aims remain elusive. Without the protection of human rights the ceasefire gives only an illusion of peace which does not offer the environment of peace and security required for the exercise of a free and fair process of self-determination.

Thus, as a first step towards finding a solution for this conflict which has been running now for 36 years, we are demanding to extend the mandate of MINURSO to monitor and document human rights violations in the territory of Western Sahara. The proposal to extend the mandate in this manner was already put forward by Amnesty International in 1996 and renewed for example, by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. The resolution of the SC 1979, of April 2011(SC/10234) pointed out the human rights violations in Western Sahara without following through with consequences. MINURSO is the only peace-keeping mission in Africa without this kind of mandate.

Given the inefficiency of the UN to keep to its commitments, we, Saharawi youth and our friends and supporters from around the world are losing the trust that our forefathers laid on UN negotiations and on finding a peaceful and diplomatic solution to this conflict. Saharawi youth and students, with the support of our network of friends and supporters worldwide, demand that your country votes to make the MINURSO effective and to stop to being blind, deaf, and speechless towards the flagrant violations being perpetuated against our fundamental rights.

Our determination is stronger by the day and we will not stop until the fair demand of Saharawi people to carry out a referendum for self-determination is completed.

Yours sincerely,
Ahmed Lehbib Abdi
Saharawi Student Union (UESARIO)

[1] Amnesty International (AI): “Disappearances” of People of Western Saharan Origin AI Index MDE 29/17/90 New York: AI, Nov 1990

[2] Human Rights Watch “HumanRightsinWesternSaharaandintheTindoufRefugeeCamps” 2008http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2008/12/19/human-rights-western-sahara-and-tindouf-refugee-camps-0

[3] Report ASVDH about Gdeim Izik y los acontecimientos que siguieron a su desmantelamiento http://asvdh.net/5528 Report CODAPSO sobre el campamento de Gdeim Izik:http://www.scribd.com/doc/49325805/Informe-Sobre-el-desmantelamiento-del-Campamento-de-Gdeim-Izik-Codapso-2011

* Quelle: MINURSO 2012; http://minurso.tumblr.com

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