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Libanon: Israel hat vorsätzlich zivile Ziele zerstört /"Deliberate destruction of Lebanese civilian infrastructure"

Pressemitteilung von amnesty international Deutschland / Amnesty International published Report

amnesty international Deutschland

Libanon: Israel hat vorsätzlich zivile Ziele zerstört

Berlin, 23. August 2006 - Die israelische Regierung hat im Libanon-Krieg vorsätzlich zivile Infrastruktur angegriffen, darunter Ziele ohne offenbare strategische Bedeutung. Die Zerstörung Tausender Häuser sowie zahlreicher Brücken, Straßen, Wasserwerke und Treibstofflager gehörte von Anfang an zur israelischen Militärstrategie im Libanon. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt ein heute veröffentlichter Bericht von amnesty international (ai). ai fordert eine umfassende unabhängige Untersuchung der Vorfälle.

"Viele dieser Angriffe waren vorsätzlich, unverhältnismäßig und unterschieden nicht zwischen militärischen und zivilen ZIelen", sagte Gudrun Sidrassi-Harth, ai-Libanon-Expertin. "Die israelische Regierung hat in diesen Fällen Kriegsverbrechen begangen. Muster, Reichweite und Ausmaß der Angriffe machen Israels Behauptung, dass es sich dabei um so genannte Kollateralschäden im Rahmen rechtmäßiger Angriffe gehandelt habe, schlicht unglaubwürdig."

Dem ai-Bericht zufolge hat die israelische Luftwaffe zwischen dem 12. Juli und 14. August über 7.000 Angriffe auf rund 7.000 Ziele geflogen. Hinzu kamen 2.500 Bombardierungen durch die israelische Marine. Es gab über 1.100 Tote auf libanesischer Seite, davon etwa ein Drittel Kinder. 4.054 Menschen wurden verletzt und 970.000 mussten fliehen - rund ein Viertel der libanesischen Zivilbevölkerung.

Der Bericht basiert auf den Ergebnissen einer ai-Delegation, die mehrere Wochen im Libanon tätig war. Die ai-Rechercheure sprachen mit Opfern, UN-Beamten, Vertretern der israelischen Armee und der libanesischen Regierung. Zeitgleich hat eine ai-Delegation in Israel Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch die libanesische Hisbollah-Miliz untersucht.

Den Bericht "Deliberate destruction or 'collateral damage'? Israeli attacks against civilian infrastructure" können Sie über die ai-Pressestelle beziehen (E-mail: presse@amnesty.de) oder herunterladen unter

Press release, 08/23/2006

Amnesty International today published findings that point to an Israeli policy of deliberate destruction of Lebanese civilian infrastructure, which included war crimes, during the recent conflict.

The organization's latest publication shows how Israel's destruction of thousands of homes, and strikes on numerous bridges and roads as well as water and fuel storage plants, was an integral part of Israel's military strategy in Lebanon, rather than “collateral damage” resulting from the lawful targeting of military objectives.

The report reinforces the case for an urgent, comprehensive and independent UN inquiry into grave violations of international humanitarian law committed by both Hizbullah and Israel during their month-long conflict.

"Israel’s assertion that the attacks on the infrastructure were lawful is manifestly wrong. Many of the violations identified in our report are war crimes, including indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks. The evidence strongly suggests that the extensive destruction of power and water plants, as well as the transport infrastructure vital for food and other humanitarian relief, was deliberate and an integral part of a military strategy," said Kate Gilmore, Executive Deputy Secretary General of Amnesty International.

The Israeli government has argued that they were targeting Hizbullah positions and support facilities and that other damage done to civilian infrastructure was a result of Hizbullah using the civilian population as a "human shield".

"The pattern, scope and scale of the attacks makes Israel's claim that this was 'collateral damage', simply not credible,” said Kate Gilmore, Executive Deputy Secretary General of Amnesty International.

"Civilian victims on both sides of this conflict deserve justice. The serious nature of violations committed makes an investigation into the conduct of both parties urgent. There must be accountability for the perpetrators of war crimes and reparation for the victims.”

The report, "Deliberate destruction or 'collateral damage'? Israeli attacks against civilian infrastructure", is based on first-hand information gathered by recent Amnesty International research missions to Lebanon and Israel, including interviews with dozens of victims, officials from the UN, Israeli Defence Force (IDF) and Lebanese government, as well as official statements and press reports.

The report includes evidence of the following:
  • Massive destruction by Israeli forces of whole civilian neighbourhoods and villages;
  • Attacks on bridges in areas of no apparent strategic importance;
  • Attacks on water pumping stations, water treatment plants and supermarkets despite the prohibition against targeting objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population;
  • Statements by Israeli military officials indicating that the destruction of civilian infrastructure was indeed a goal of Israel’s military campaign designed to press the Lebanese government and the civilian population to turn against Hizbullah.
The report exposes a pattern of indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, which resulted in the displacement of twenty-five percent of the civilian population. This pattern, taken together with official statements, indicates that the attacks on infrastucture were deliberate, and not simply incidental to lawful military objectives.

Amnesty International is calling for a comprehensive, independent and impartial inquiry to be urgently established by the UN into violations of international humanitarian law by both sides in the conflict. It should examine in particular the impact of this conflict on the civilian population, and should be undertaken with a view to holding individuals responsible for crimes under international law and ensuring that full reparation is provided to the victims.

Source: amnesty international; http://news.amnesty.org

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