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Nordkorea: Regierung verantwortlich für hunderttausendfachen Hungertod
North Korea: Denial of right to food

Pressemitteilung von amnesty international
amnesty international press release

Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir eine Pressemitteilung von amnesty international Deutschland, die auf einer entsprechenden Erklärung von ai London fußt.

PRESSEMITTEILUNGEN von amnesty international Deutschland 20.01.2004

Berlin, 20. Januar 2004 - Die Regierung Nordkoreas trifft eine Mitschuld am Hungertod hunderttausender Nordkoreaner. Sie setzt die Nahrungsmittelknappheit zur Unterdrückung von Kritik ein und reagiert auf Überlebensstrategien der Bevölkerung mit drakonischen Strafen. Zu diesem Schluss gelangt ein heute veröffentlichter Bericht von amnesty international (ai).

In Nordkorea herrscht seit fast einem Jahrzehnt Nahrungsmittelknappheit und endemischer Hunger, der Hunderttausende Nordkoreaner das Leben gekostet hat, vor allem Kinder, Frauen und alte Menschen. Millionen von Kindern leiden an chronischer Unterernährung. Naturkatastrophen, der Verlust der Unterstützung durch die frühere Sowjetunion und Missmanagement sind die Hauptursachen. Hinzu kommt, dass die Regierung Nahrungsmittel ungleich verteilt. Sie bevorteilt die ökonomisch aktiven und politisch loyalen Bürger. Gleichzeitig hindert sie die Bevölkerung, ihre Dörfer oder Städte für die Suche nach besseren Lebensbedingungen zu verlassen. Sie behindert auch die Arbeit internationaler Hilfsorganisationen. "Die nordkoreanische Regierung muss das Menschenrecht auf Nahrung achten, das im Internationalen Pakt über wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte festgeschrieben ist", sagte Roland Brauckmann, Nordkorea-Experte von ai. Nordkorea ist Vertragsstaat dieses UN-Paktes.

Die Nahrungsmittelknappheit hat zehntausende Nordkoreaner über die Grenze nach China getrieben. China hat diesen Menschen den Flüchtlingsstatus verweigert und sie nach Nordkorea zurückgeschoben. Dort sind viele von ihnen unter unsäglichen Bedingungen in Arbeitslagern inhaftiert worden. Viele sind Berichten zufolge Hungers gestorben. Andere wurden gefoltert. Es kam zu öffentlichen Hinrichtungen von Menschen, die Nahrungsmittel gestohlen hatten.

"Nordkorea muss die Todesstrafe abschaffen und seiner Bevölkerung Reise-, Versammlungs- und Meinungsfreiheit garantieren, wie sie im Internationalen Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte niedergelegt sind", sagte Brauckmann. "Unabdingbar ist auch, dass unabhängige Menschenrechts-Organisationen wie ai endlich uneingeschränkt Zugang zum Land erhalten."

Quelle: http://www2.amnesty.de


North Korea: Denial of right to food

press release, 20/01/2004

"Public executions were highest between 1996 and 1998 when the famine was at its peak. People were stealing the infrastructure of society such as electric lines and copper wires and selling it."
(Interview by Amnesty International with Lee Sung-yong of the Seoul-based NGO, Good Friends - Centre for Peace, Human Rights & Refugees on 4 December 2002)

"I saw a 15 or 16 year old boy die; the boy was there [in detention] as he had sold glass from his school. After 15 days' detention, the boy died, because of malnutrition. There was so little food."
(Lee, North Korean man in his early forties, who gave testimony to Amnesty International on 3 December 2002)

North Korea is one of the world's most closed and isolated nations. For more than a decade, the people of North Korea have suffered from famine or food crisis. In a new report, Amnesty International argues that the North Korean government should ensure that food shortages are not used as a tool to persecute perceived political opponents and that humanitarian organizations, in particular UN agencies, have free and unimpeded access to all parts of North Korea.

"Hundreds of thousands of people have died as a result of acute food shortages caused by a series of natural disasters, the loss of support from the former Soviet Union and economic mismanagement. Several million children suffer from chronic malnutrition, impairing their physical and mental development," Amnesty International emphasized.

Government policies are at least partly to blame. The government appears to have distributed food unevenly, favouring those who are economically active and politically loyal. Government restrictions on freedom of movement prevents North Koreans searching for food or moving to an area where food supplies are better, as they face punishment including detention if they leave their towns or villages without permission. They also hamper the movement, access and monitoring of international humanitarian agencies who have been involved in distributing food aid. This has contributed to donor fatigue and a fall in food aid commitments.

"The right to food is a basic human right, and the government of North Korea appears to be failing in its duties to respect, protect and fulfil this right", Amnesty said.

Widespread malnutrition has led to the movement of tens of thousands of people into China. Thousands have been forcibly repatriated by the Chinese authorities, and have then been detained by North Korean authorities in appalling conditions. Detainees are reported to have died of hunger. Many have reportedly been tortured during interrogations by the North Korean authorities.

Some North Koreans have been publicly executed because they have stolen food or goods to survive - school children have reportedly been taken to see the executions.

Children, women and the elderly are reported to be among the principle victims of North Korea's famine. Many women forced to go to China in search of food have been preyed on by trafficking gangs, which operate on both sides of the China-North Korea border.

Efforts by the international community to assist in the provision of food to North Korea have been undermined by the government's refusal to allow swift and equitable distribution of this food, and by the restrictions on freedom of information.

"Notwithstanding the obstacles to providing assistance, foreign states able to help must also provide the necessary food aid, to enable the North Korea government to fulfil its obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the right to food", Amnesty said.

"Provison of humanitarian aid should be guided at all times by human rights considerations and should never be used by any government as a bargaining tool to further political or economic interests."

Source: http://web.amnesty.org

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