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USA: Neokonservative und Republikaner werben für israelische Angriffe auf Iran

Von Knut Mellenthin *

US-amerikanische Rechte drängen auf einen militärischen „Präventivschlag“ Israels gegen Iran. Um die politische und militärische Führung Israels zu ermutigen, haben republikanische Parlamentarier am 22. Juli einen Resolutionsentwurf ins Abgeordnetenhaus eingebracht, der grünes Licht für Angriffe signalisiert. Der ursprünglich vom texanischen Abgeordneten Louie Gohmert initiierte Antrag trägt mittlerweile 47 Unterschriften. Zur Zeit sind die Republikaner im Abgeordnetenhaus, das 435 Sitze hat, mit 178 Mitgliedern vertreten.

Gohmert hatte schon im März begonnen, Unterstützer für seinen Entwurf zu sammeln. Sein Erfolg hält sich vorläufig in Grenzen. Vor allem fehlen bisher noch die Namen führender Republikaner unter dem Antrag. Die Resolution 1553, die nun zunächst im Außenpolitischen Ausschuss behandelt werden muss, hat voraussichtlich keine Chance, eine Mehrheit zu finden. In erster Linie liegt ihr Zweck darin, die Diskussion voranzutreiben und die Idee eines israelischen „Präventivschlags“ verstärkt in die US-amerikanische Öffentlichkeit zu tragen.

Resolution 1553 bekräftigt zunächst mit den üblichen Begriffen die „besonderen Beziehungen“ zwischen den USA und Israel, die – mit einem Spruch von Barack Obama - „ein Band“ seien, „das viel mehr ist als eine strategische Allianz“. Anschließend werden die angeblichen Vernichtungsdrohungen Irans gegen Israels aufgezählt. Im praktischen Teil der Resolution wird dazu aufgefordert, „sicherzustellen, dass Israel weiterhin die lebenswichtige wirtschaftliche und militärische Hilfe erhält, einschließlich von Raketenabwehr-Anlagen, die erforderlich ist, um der Bedrohung durch Iran zu begegnen“. Zum Schluss folgt das Herzstück des Antrags: „Unterstützung für Israels Recht, alle Mittel einzusetzen, die erforderlich sind, um die von Iran ausgehende atomare Bedrohung auszuschalten (….), einschließlich der Anwendung militärischer Gewalt, wenn nicht innerhalb einer vernünftigen Zeit eine andere, friedliche Lösung gefunden werden kann.“

Der Antrag der republikanischen Abgeordneten flankiert eine Medienkampagne, die schon seit einigen Monaten von namhaften Neokonservativen betrieben wird. Unter ihnen führende Persönlichkeiten wie William Kristol, Reuel Marc Gerecht, der ehemalige republikanische Abgeordnete Newt Gingrich und der frühere UN-Botschafter John Bolton, die schon bei der propagandistischen Vorbereitung des Irakkrieges im Jahr 2002 an vorderster Front agierten. Übereinstimmend meinen sie, dass der von ihnen als „schlapp“ verurteilte Präsident Obama keinen Angriff gegen Iran befehlen werde. Alle Hoffnungen ruhten daher auf Israel, für dessen kommenden „Präventivschlag“ man jetzt schon massiv werben müsse.

In einem Artikel, der am 13. Juli im Wall Street Journal erschien, schrieb Bolton: „Was Außenstehende jetzt tun können, ist, breite Unterstützung für Israels natürliches Recht auf Selbstverteidigung gegen einen atomaren Holocaust zu schaffen und die spezielle Taktik präventiver Angriffe (gegen die iranischen Atomanlagen) zu verteidigen. Der Kongress könnte zum Beispiel klarstellen, dass er im Fall eines solchen Angriffs die sofortige Versorgung Israels mit Nachschub und neuen Waffen unterstützen würde. Von Anfang an sichtbare Unterstützung des Kongresses zu haben, wäre eine Zusicherung für die israelische Regierung, die sich berechtigterweise Sorgen über Obamas wahrscheinlich negative Reaktion auf einen solchen Angriff macht.“

* Aus: junge Welt, 26. Juli 2010

H.RES.1553 - Expressing support for the State of Israel's right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and... (Introduced in House - IH)

HRES 1553 IH


2d Session

H. RES. 1553

Expressing support for the State of Israel's right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time to protect against such an immediate and existential threat to the State of Israel.


July 22, 2010

Mr. GOHMERT (for himself, Mr. AKIN, Mrs. BACHMANN, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. BONNER, Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. CULBERSON, Ms. FALLIN, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. GRIFFITH, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. HERGER, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. LATTA, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. NEUGEBAUER, Mr. PENCE, Mr. PITTS, Mr. POSEY, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. OLSON, Mr. ROONEY, Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. SHADEGG, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. ROSKAM, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. BROWN of South Carolina, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. JORDAN of Ohio, Mr. BARTON of Texas, Mr. KINGSTON, and Mr. CARTER) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


Expressing support for the State of Israel's right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time to protect against such an immediate and existential threat to the State of Israel.

Whereas with the dawn of modern Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, some 150 years ago, the Jewish people determined to return to their homeland in the Land of Israel from the lands of their dispersion;

Whereas in 1922, the League of Nations mandated that the Jewish people were the legal sovereigns over the Land of Israel and that legal mandate has never been superseded;

Whereas in the aftermath of the Nazi-led Holocaust from 1933 to 1945, in which the Germans and their collaborators murdered 6,000,000 Jewish people in a premeditated act of genocide, the international community recognized that the Jewish state, built by Jewish pioneers must gain its independence from Great Britain;

Whereas the United States was the first nation to recognize Israel's independence in 1948, and the State of Israel has since proven herself to be a faithful ally of the United States in the Middle East;

Whereas the United States and Israel have a special friendship based on shared values, and together share the common goal of peace and security in the Middle East;

Whereas, on October 20, 2009, President Barack Obama rightly noted that the United States-Israel relationship is a `bond that is much more than a strategic alliance.';

Whereas the national security of the United States, Israel, and allies in the Middle East face a clear and present danger from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran seeking nuclear weapons and the ballistic missile capability to deliver them;

Whereas Israel would face an existential threat from a nuclear weapons-armed Iran;

Whereas President Barack Obama has been firm and clear in declaring United States opposition to a nuclear-armed Iran, stating on November 7, 2008, `Let me state-repeat what I stated during the course of the campaign. Iran's development of a nuclear weapon I believe is unacceptable.';

Whereas, on October 26, 2005, at a conference in Tehran called `World Without Zionism', Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated, `God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism';

Whereas the New York Times reported that during his October 26, 2005, speech, President Ahmadinejad called for `this occupying regime [Israel] to be wiped off the map';

Whereas, on April 14, 2006, Iranian President Ahmadinejad said, `Like it or not, the Zionist regime [Israel] is heading toward annihilation';

Whereas, on June 2, 2008, Iranian President Ahmadinejad said, `I must announce that the Zionist regime [Israel], with a 60-year record of genocide, plunder, invasion, and betrayal is about to die and will soon be erased from the geographical scene';

Whereas, on June 2, 2008, Iranian President Ahmadinejad said, `Today, the time for the fall of the satanic power of the United States has come, and the countdown to the annihilation of the emperor of power and wealth has started';

Whereas, on May 20, 2009, Iran successfully tested a surface-to-surface long range missile with an approximate range of 1,200 miles;

Whereas Iran continues its pursuit of nuclear weapons;

Whereas Iran has been caught building three secret nuclear facilities since 2002;

Whereas Iran continues its support of international terrorism, has ordered its proxy Hizbullah to carry out catastrophic acts of international terrorism such as the bombing of the Jewish AMIA Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1994, and could give a nuclear weapon to a terrorist organization in the future;

Whereas Iran has refused to provide the International Atomic Energy Agency with full transparency and access to its nuclear program;

Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 1803 states that according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, `Iran has not established full and sustained suspension of all enrichment related and reprocessing activities and heavy-water-related projects as set out in resolution 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006) and 1747 (2007) nor resumed its cooperation with the IAEA under the Additional Protocol, nor taken the other steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors, nor complied with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006) and 1747 (2007) . . .';

Whereas at July 2009's G-8 Summit in Italy, Iran was given a September 2009 deadline to start negotiations over its nuclear programs and Iran offered a five-page document lamenting the `ungodly ways of thinking prevailing in global relations' and included various subjects, but left out any mention of Iran's own nuclear program which was the true issue in question;

Whereas the United States has been fully committed to finding a peaceful resolution to the Iranian nuclear threat, and has made boundless efforts seeking such a resolution and to determine if such a resolution is even possible; and

Whereas the United States does not want or seek war with Iran, but it will continue to keep all options open to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives-

(1) condemns the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for its threats of `annihilating' the United States and the State of Israel, for its continued support of international terrorism, and for its incitement of genocide of the Israeli people;

(2) supports using all means of persuading the Government of Iran to stop building and acquiring nuclear weapons;

(3) reaffirms the United States bond with Israel and pledges to continue to work with the Government of Israel and the people of Israel to ensure that their sovereign nation continues to receive critical economic and military assistance, including missile defense capabilities, needed to address the threat of Iran; and

(4) expresses support for Israel's right to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by Iran, defend Israeli sovereignty, and protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within a reasonable time.

Source: http://thomas.loc.gov

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