"Eure wichtigste Aufgabe ist es, den Feind aus unserem Land zu werfen" / "Your main task is to kick the enemy out from our country"
Tonband mit Botschaft von Saddam Hussein aufgetaucht / Full transcript of the Saddam tape
"Im Namen Gottes ..." steht am Anfang der Rede - die aber diesmal nicht von George W. Bush kommt (Bush beendet seine Reden gern mit Gottesanrufen), sondern von seinem Widersacher Saddam Hussein. Die australische Zeitung "Sydney Morning Herald" hat nach eigenen Angaben von Irakern ein Tonband erhalten, in dem der Ex-Diktator Saddam Hussein "mit müder Stimme" zum Widerstand gegen die USA aufruft. Die Aufnahme sei erst zwei Tage alt, schreibt das Blatt am 7. Mai 2003.
Um die Echtheit des Bandes zu überprüfen, sei es mehr als einem Dutzend
Irakern unterschiedlichster Herkunft vorgespielt worden. Ihren Angaben nach
ist die Stimme auf dem Band derjenigen von Saddam Hussein sehr ähnlich. Er
sei sich zu "hundert Prozent" sicher, dass es sich bei dem Sprecher um
Saddam Hussein handele, sagte der Jura-Professor Talib el Scharaa von der
Universität Bagdad. "Er ist es, ganz sicher", sagte ein Richter in der irakischen Hauptstadt, der aber nicht namentlich genannt werden wollte.
Nach Angaben des "Sydney Morning Herald" erfolgte die Übergabe des
Bandes in Bagdad. Zwei Männer hätten sich am Montag dem Wagen der
australischen Reporter vor dem Journalisten-Hotel Palestine genähert. Einer
von ihnen haben nach den Büros der arabischen Sender Al Dschasira und Al
Arabija gefagt. Als er erfahren habe, dass die Fernsehsender in dem von der US-Armee bewachten Hotel untergebracht sind, übergab er die Aufnahme den
Australiern mit dem Hinweis, Saddam habe sie am Morgen aufgenommen.
Der Zeitung zufolge sprachen die Iraker mit dem Akzent Tikrits, der
Heimatstadt von Saddam Hussein.
Das Weiße Haus reagierte mit Skepsis auf den Bericht. "Wir wissen nicht, ob
Saddam Hussein am Leben ist oder tot", sagte der Sprecher von
US-Präsident George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer, am 7. Mai in Washington. "Das Tonband wird analysiert werden."
Worum geht es in der Tonbandansprache?
"Auf diesem geheimen Wege spreche ich zu euch aus dem großen Irak und
ich sage euch Arabern und Kurden, Schiiten und Sunniten, Muslimen und
Christen, dem ganzen irakischen Volk aller Religionen, eure wichtigste
Aufgabe ist es, den Feind aus unserem Land zu werfen", heißt es darin u.a. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, sei es notwendig, "im Verborgenen zu
Der Sprecher/Saddam erinnert daran, dass die Invasoren nach Irak gekommen seien im Glauben, sie würden von den Irakern mit Blumen empfangen werden. "Aber sie wurden überrascht. Mancher Iraker änder jetzt seine Meinung über die Amerikaner und die Besatzung. Wir haben keine andere Wahl als zu kämpfen..."
Im weiteren Verlauf der Rede werden Washington und London speziell angesprochen. Beide Regime würden von den "zionistischen Medien kontrolliert". Amerika sei eine "Tyrannenmacht, welche die Welt regiert".
Am Ende wird die Ansprache sehr gottesfürchtig. "Der Sieg kommt, wenn Gott will", sagt der Sprecher/Saddam und verflucht die US-Regierung "bis zum Tag der Abrechnung". In der Aufnahme werden Feiern zum 66. Geburtstag Saddam Husseins am 28. April erwähnt, was dafür spricht, dass das Tonband auf jeden Fall nach diesem Datum aufgezeichnet wurde. Der Sprecher/Saddam beschuldigt die Alliierten, den Irak zerstört, die archäologischen Besitztümer des Landes gestohlen und das Nationalmuseum ruiniert zu haben.
Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir den vollen Wortlaut des Transkript in englischer Sprache.
Full transcript of the Saddam tape
May 7 2003
"In the name of God most gracious most merciful
we praise our messengers and their followers in
life. In the next life they will have justice.
Iraqi people, great Iraqi people, women and men,
and the Iraqi armed forces and all people who
want to change their attitude about their enemies,
peace be upon you all. I don't want to talk in
details about the occupation and why and how,
and I am going to focus on how to face these
invaders and kick them out from Iraq, coughs, I
addressed some messages before, many
messages before. Some of them were by my
voice and some were addressed to the mass
media, but we know and you know very well the
mass media in the whole world is controlled by
the Zionists, and especially by its headquarters in
the White House.
Therefore we have tried hard to address our
messages by many many ways, and some of
them reached you people in the Iraqi governates,
and some will reach them sooner. In any case, it
sounds as if we have to go back to the secret
style of struggle that we began our life with.
Through this secret means I am talking to you
from inside Great Iraq and I say to you, the main
task for you, Arab and Kurd, Shia and Sunni,
Muslim and Christian and the whole Iraqi people
of all religions, your main task is to kick the enemy
out from our country.
You have to believe that he who is working with
the foreigners is working against you. He is not
only a servant for foreigners, he is an enemy of
God and an enemy of the people as well. Reject
these people and reject anything that will divide
you, Iraqi people. Be united all under your flag,
under the Iraqi flag, under the slogan Allahu
Akhbar, all in one trench. The Iraqi people must
keep their own civilisation in which they are one
country, one people, as they are now.
Your enemy came to Iraq and they thought that the
Iraqi people would receive them with flowers but
they were surprised. Some people now are
changing their minds about the Americans and
the occupation. We have no option but to struggle
and satisfy God and high principles and ourselves
as well.
Now, some poeple who supported the Americans
and the occupiers are now changing their minds,
step by step. Now everyone is going to change
their minds, and they know what is best for them
and their family. Their familiy is Iraq.
But they will not understand everything unless they
know the whole truth about themselves.
The Iraqi people challenged the whole world by
celebrating the 28th of April (Saddam's birthday)
and asserted that this festivity was not forced on
them by Saddam Hussein or by the authorities, It
was an Iraqi decision, because they consider
Saddam Hussein as a brother or as a father to
them. And this is just to express of their free will
that nobody forced them to do it or to live in any
way against their will. It is their true attitude
towards Saddam Hussein.
The Iraqis want to challenge the occupation and
say to all humanity, yes, the occupiers could
occupy Iraq, but they will never be able to change
the Iraqi heart's love for Saddam Hussein and
their country.
Some of these people admired the west and
described it as the free world, but it is not. And
genuine people would never care about the
western media, because it is controlled by
Zionists. Especially the two administrations in
Washington and London, which are controlled by
the Zionist media. They tell many, many lies, and
you Iraqi people have won your moral battle
because the Americans destroyed Iraq and stole
Iraq's ancient archaeology by destroying the Iraqi
National Museum.
This time we are standing against America, a
tryant power that rules the world. You Iraqi people
will shame the Americans as the Palestinians
shame the Zionists. The Zionists are baffled how
to fight the Palestiniain people and you the Iraqi
people, men and women, stand together against
the invasion and show your stance as much as
you can by writing on walls, or making positive
demonstrations or not selling them anything or
buying anything from them, or by shooting them
with your rifles and trying to destroy their cannons
and tanks.
The most import ant thing is that each Iraqi man or
woman has his own duty, child or older person,
which he must do, and if they miss anything they
have to make up for it the next day, and if they
miss a week they have to make up for it the
following week. Don't let the Americans settle in
Each day and every day you must express how
you resist the occupation, and the eye of God will
be on you and on all people who take a stand
against the occu pation. And god will honour his
people, and god will love the people who redeem
themselves, and we must not be sad and
helpless, and God will love he who works for
victory. Victory is coming, God willing, and you
have to satisfy your God before yourself.
Then victory will come from the love of god. And of
course God will ease our task because there is
no victory without the support of God.
Work hard, work hard through this to win paradise
and then victory will be visible. Work hard for God,
Iraqi people, Iraqi women, Iraqi men, and we are
with you. We are working with you.
Victory is coming, God willing. They want to
extinguish the light of God by their tongues but
God will complete his victory. Allahu akbhar, Allah
is the greatest, and shame on the American
government and a curse on them until judgement
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