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"… to expel the infidel invading forces from Iraq" / "… um die ungläubigen Invasionstruppen aus dem Irak zu vertreiben"

Saddam Hussein`s Letter to "al-Quds al-Arabi" / Saddam Husseins Brief an "al-Quds al-Arabi"

Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir den am 14. Juni in der in London erscheinenden arabischen Zeitung "al-Quds al-Arabi" veröffentlichten Brief von Saddam Hussein. Über die Authentizität der Botschaft wollen wir keine Vermutungen anstellen. Auch wenn Saddam nicht der Verfasser sein sollte: Es ist der Duktus seiner Reden, die wir aus der Zeit vor dem Irakkrieg kennen. Die Funktion der Botschaft - es handelt sich laut Zeitung um die fünfte derartige Mitteilung des irakischen Präsidenten aus dem "Untergrund" - dürfte auf der Hand liegen: Es geht um die Organisierung eines möglichst großen Widerstands gegen die britisch-amerikanischen Eindringlinge, gegen die "Ungläubigen" insgesamt. Die wieder zunehmenden Proteste und militärischen Aktionen der letzten Tage zeigen, dass die Aufrufe mit ihren Beschwörungsformeln zumindest nicht ganz aus der Luft gegriffen sind. Der Widerstand im Irak ist jedenfalls größer als den Besatzungsmächten lieb ist.
In dem handschriftlich verfassten Brief fordert der Verfasser alle Ausländer auf, Irak bis zum 17. Juni* zu verlassen. Er warnt vor Anschlägen auf Ziele im Ausland, sollte der Aufforderung zur Ausreise nicht Folge geleistet werden. Auch Flugzeuge sollen Anschlagsziele sein.
Wir müssen nicht gesondert darauf hinweisen., dass wir uns mit den Inhalten solcher Aufrufe genauso wenig identifizieren wie mit anderen zeitgeschichtlichen Zeugnissen, etwa den von uns häufig dokumentierten programmatischen Reden führender US-amerikanischer Politiker. Wir halten es auch nicht für nötig, Saddams Botschaft ins Deutsche zu übersetzen: Sie dürfte auch von einem breiten Publikum verstanden werden.

* Bei dem Hinweis in dem Brief auf den 17. Juni könnte es sich um einen Schreibfehler handeln; es könnte der 17. Juli gemeint sein, der 35. Jahrestag der Machtübernahme der irakischen Baath-Partei.

Al-Quds al-Arabi, London Saturday, 14 June 2003.

In a new letter to al-Quds al-Arabi, Saddam Hussein threatens operations in the aggressor countries' own lands.

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving

"We will show them Our signs in the horizons as well as with themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. Does your Lord not suffice as a Witness for everything?"
(al-Qur'an, 41:53).

From Saddam Hussein, to the great Iraqi people, to the sons and daughters of the Arab Nation and the Islamic World Community, to honorable people everywhere.

We pledged to God that we would not allow the criminal American and British forces to feel complacent about the stealing of the wealth of great Iraq. Therefore the children of the people, including the men of the army, the Republican Guard, the Brigades of al-Faruq, the Liberation Group, Members of the Baath Party, and of the Groups of al-Husayn, are waging a real fight, a battle in the epic of the great struggle to expel the infidel invading forces from Iraq.

The infidel enemy has begun to kill civilians, those who are not connected in any way with bearing arms. This is a matter that makes it incumbent upon all the forces among the people - whether they are in agreement with one another or disagree - to rise up with the joint aim of liberating Iraq from the occupation.

Rise up, everyone, and turn the enemy's days into a hell! Turn the mosques, schools, the tombs of Ali, al-Husayn, and al-Abbas - may God be pleased with them - the tombs of Abu Hanifa, and of ash-Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani into points to resist and expel the occupier. The resistance has decided irrevocably to broaden its operations. Therefore we warn all foreign subjects, and those who came to Iraq with the cowardly occupier - regardless of their character or job - and those whom we warned in the Declaration of the Command - that they must depart Iraq before the 17th of the month of June, the month of resistance and uprising, for the resistance will not bear any responsibility for the effects of what happens after that date. He who has given warning is excused.

Our great Iraqi People!

Offspring of the Arab Nation, the Muslim world Community, and honorable people everywhere! Note the disgusting nature of America's crimes in Iraq. Note the crimes of the criminal Sharon. They are occurring simultaneously. The target is Islam, Arabism, nations, and humanity itself.

We will not allow the occupier to derive benefit from our goods and our oil. Whoever thinks that he will gain from this occupation will in fact find no pleasure in it, whether they carry Arab citizenship, or claim to be Muslims, as the west stands by silent before the crimes that are being committed.

We call on every country of the world: withdraw your subjects from Iraq. We are engaged in a battle for liberation. If you do not pay attention, then you must be responsible for their lives.

Do not send any airplanes to Iraq, nor any buses, or ships. As far as we are concerned, they are targets. We prohibit the enemy from using them lest they employ them to concentrate their occupation forces.

The hour of liberation and the painful blow has drawn near. They have no option but to flee or be killed. We shall spare only a single individual from among them, in order that he or she might relate to infidel, criminal America and to Britain with its Crusader hatred, how all the other cowardly occupiers were killed - those who executed prisoners, who raped women and children, who have no concept of honor or virtue.

The filthy, thieving, infidel, criminal Bush, and his debauched little toady Blair will regret this most bitterly. The governments that sent armies to perpetuate the occupation for as long as possible will regret this. The other Arab governments that made truces and aided the occupier will regret this.

What does it mean when the occupier kills more than two hundred prisoners and more than one hundred fifty civilians in 72 hours? What is the meaning of all this to you, free people of Iraq? To you, Arabs? To you, Islam? To you, world?

This is the first stage of the resistance that will also include the armies of Denmark, Poland, and other infidels. After this stage, if the aggression remains, we will deal with it accordingly.

And if this stage should close without the enemy departing, it will be our right to take our defensive struggle to their countries, to their airplanes, just as they kill Iraqis, we will respond to them. This is our pledge to God and to our people.

Long live great Iraq!

Long live Palestine, free and Arab, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River!

God is greatest!

And may the despicable be despised!

Saddam Hussein
Dawn, 12 Rabi' al-Akhir 1424,
12 June 2003.
The fifth handwritten message.

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